Friday 3rd November

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hit 1000 views, I'm so happy i could dance with rainbow breathing dragons! thanks for reading :) now back to the story!



for the last two and a bit days, the castle has been pretty much empty, everyone is in bed with the flu, minus the seven of us, selene who had been out searching for nargles, The defense against the dark arts professor and a couple of seventh years, who knows what they had been up to during the feast. Classes had been cancelled, so our halloween trick worked out perfectly, for us anyway. Snow is still covering the great hall, so we all wear hats scarfs and gloves and obviously normal clothes, because, well, I'm not a porn star.

I got a letter from mum today, it kind of ruined my day, she is getting married to clive! and i'm not going to be able to go to the wedding because i'm going to be at school, Its next year so Hector won't be able to go either,  i so wanted to be a bridesmaid too! No fairs. 

 so today, it still being just us roaming around the castle we decided to have some fun, and explore the whole castle and note down any secret passages we find, although what we didn't expect to find was Pickle on what looked to be a date. With Mrs norrris. i think my eyes burnt a little. he had a bow tie on. i looked at tiffany, she smiled at pickle

'Tiffany' i said in concern

'Yes, lyra?' she asked still smiling

'Can i ask why Pickle is wearing a bow tie, or do i not want to know?' i continued, she turned her neck slowly to the side.

'He fancied a new look' she said with a grin, i snorted and continued searching for passages.

5.30 pm

'Hey, guys' James piped up

'What?' everyone answered, i decided to be myself so i said

'Spork' Tiffany chuckled.

'how about a sleepover in the middle of a corridor?' he suggested

'Ohhhhh, yeah' i said jumping up and down 'Well done my retarded run over by a tractor cousin, but first me and tiffany, possibly Marie if she can stop staring and Selene if she stops poking peter, why are you poking Peter?' i asked curiously

'He's full of wrackspurts' she said, i just nodded in understandment. My friend was crazy,  she fit in well...

Marie was bright red, and turning redder, she hurried off dragging us too,. i giggled.

6.00 pm

'Hate you, Lyra!' she said sadly

'I'm sorry but it was the only way to get your attention unless i poked you with a spork, but i'm fresh out of those'


'Chocolate frog?' i asked her handing one from my supply, she grinned

'Your forgiven!' i just laughed, Tiffany gave me puppy eyes

'Ok fine!' i threw one at her, she grinned, so then i gave one to selene too, we walked towards the slytherin common room, snuck in after one of the remaining seventh years and went into the first year boys dorm.

There was a lot of groaning and sneezing when we entered, we all put our t-shirts over our noses and walked over to snape.

'Hello yeti' i said my voice muffled by my t-shirt

'huuuugphhhh' Sevvy replied

'Are you ok?' selene asked

'Whaa d'you fiiink' snape said with a very blocked nose

'Has a snigglewiggler got into your nose?' she asked him, he looked confused 

'A whaa?' he asked sniffing. honestly he looks out of it, i bet he's been licking toads...

'A snigglewiggler, they get into your brain through your nose, and leave green slime, that doesn't go away for about a week' she said

'I 'av flu' snape said massaging the bridge of his nose

'That is their cover story' selene continued, snape groaned

i got out my hypnotism necklace and smiled, i started flicking it towards snape, it hit him in the eye and he groaned again

'You're meant to swing it the other way' Marie whispered

'oops' i said before flicking it right, left, right, left ooooh it's pretty

'Lyra! don't hypnotize yourself!' Marie warned me. i cleared my throat, and pretended that nothing had happened

the yeti had zoned out so i cleared my throat again, 

'Severus, you have an infatuation with peas'

'I 'av an inf'at'ation wif peazz' he said, Tiffany snorted, i kicked her, there was a muffled 'ow'

i stopped swinging the necklace and clicked my fingers, we all held in our laughter as we edged from the room. we then all ran back to the boys waiting in the corridor for us. for our sleepover in the corridor.

Bothering SnapeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant