Saturday 5th September

927 17 8

8.00 am

I was sitting in the Great hall eating breakfast, I was sitting on the Ravenclaw table next to Dylan.

'So you managed to turn a hat into a turtle, even though it was meant to be a chair?' he asked me smiling widely

'yeah, it was awkward' I nodded

'Tiffany and Marie are coming over' Dylan said pointing over my shoulder.

'Lyra' Tiffany said as they sat opposite me on the table

'I'll talk to you later Dylan, they won't shut up until i talk to them' he nodded and turned around talking to Walter and Jared... other Ravenclaws who seemed to have appeared this year because i don't remember seeing them here before.

'you should always want to talk to us' Marie argued

'So what is it?' I asked raising my eyebrows at the two

'I got let off homework for potions because i shoved my boobs in slughorns face!' Tiffany laughed

'Cool' i answered shoving half an orange in my mouth

'You should have been there, his face was priceless!' Marie giggled

I looked across the hall and saw Professor Dumbledore staring at me, i gave him a glare, i had yet to have a go at him, but i was going to, soon enough. then i realised i was pulling a funny face because i still had half an orange in my mouth so i tried to eat it, it's like eating a... i'm not even sure.

'Lyra' Tiffany said clicking her fingers in front of my face, i came out of my trance and stared at her.

'Huh, what?' I asked 'I wanna cupcake'

Marie snorted. what a pig.

'Attractive' Tiffany laughed before looking back at me, i mean why wouldn't she look at me, i'm amazingly beautiful, cool and popular. I'm like a goddess. 'Do you want to spend the rest of the day perving on the gryffindor quiddich players, they're trying out today'

'ah, no i can't, i have to do some work... in the library' I lied

'you in a library? that's like Hagrid in a hobbits hole!' Tiffany said, truth was i'd spent a lot of time hiding in the library. I just couldn't be dealing with the guys all trying to make me jump around in happiness, i would do that when i felt was appropriate, in my own time.

'yeah' I said slowly

'What work?' Marie asked

'Work work' I said thoughtfully 'Like, the work you work on, that kind of work' I'm so awkward.

People started pushing to get out of the hall and off to their weekends and i glared at them as they hit me

'hit into me one more time and i will set Puffy on you, if he eats marshmallows he gets monstrous powers that if unleashed upon the world will cause devastating consequences, he is then known as 'i don't know who', got it?' I growled at a fourth year, he squeaked and ran off, no one else bumped into  me either.

'But you never do work!' Tiffany said gobsmacked ignoring my threat,

'Yeah-' I said, oh god, what do i say...

'Oh, Lyra!' Snapes voice carried over to me


'I've been looking for you' He said sitting next to me.

'That's nice' I smiled, Tiffany kicked me under the table, i looked at her and she raised her eyebrows at me suggestively

'oh yeah, i've been looking for you too, well i was about to, i was eating, because i like food... but i'm rambling and oh god i'm awkward. so to the library for some work then, yes?' I said quickly grabbing his hand and jumping up before dragging him to the entrance hall ignoring the wolf whistle, ha Remus, that Tiffany called after us.

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