Friday 8th September

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1.36 pm

I just woke up, and up all hot and sweaty but i feelcold, is that normal?

1.37 pm

apparenatly it isn't... yeah i may have seen mr muffin swimming in the lake and gotten to excited and i maybe did fall in the lake.... yeah well what can i say, i'm clumsy, thing is, i hit my head on a large rock on the way down... i hope it doesn't affect my amazingly brilliant brain

1.40 pm

what if it does and then i'm not good enough th be a ravenclaw any more and they put me in hufflepuff??  what will i do? i can't just go around finding things, thats boring!


i mean what the heck even is a huffle puff? my theory is that they are the ones that don't fit into the other houses and then after hogwarts, they are sent to farms, where they breed with pymy owls, and KABOOM pymy-puffs are made


can anyone else see that dancing lepricaun? its right there, i feel like dancing with it too


turns out i have concussion, the lepricaun wasn't actually there, this made me sad.


james has come in to see me, turns out yeti saved me from my impending doom, i shall reward him with a day free of hexes, one day, in the future, maybe never, who knows....


james' friends have come in, that peter is abit odd, he keeps mumbling on about cheese...


i just casually asked them if they found cheese sexy, and peter was nodding away, i mean gross, he needs a makeover, i wonder if i tempt him with cheese, its worth a ty, when i get out of the hospital wing that is,


She sent the only thing that saved me from boredom away, how could she, the foul evil little banshee,

'Poppppyyyyy' i shouted over and over again, even when she asked me



she got annoyed and left me alone, oh well she was bad company


the hospital wing doors just burst open and i was ingolfed with red hair, i'm confused, why did hair just ingolf me? oh right its lily evans, snapes friend, i don't know why she just hugged me... maybe i'm just huggable?

turns out snape is behind her looking awkward.


lily's explaining about how i was falling down the steep cliff thingy and her and snape who'd been having a study session saw me, they ran over and saw me in a puddle of my blood slipping into the lake, snape carried me to the hospital wing.

'Cool, did you take pictures?'

'ew, no' lily said with a grimmace

'oh shame, i could have put it in my 'lyra's accident book, book number four, page 352''

'hahahahaha' snape was laughing it was weird seeing him properly laugh, he looked more childish and less up his own arse..... ew


we had quite a cool conversation, lily is actually really nice

apparenatly james has asked her out seven times already today, i ha to hi-five her when she said that he was an arogant- bullying toe-rag, icouldn't agree more, but then again i couldn't see him any other way, he'd always be my annoying older cousin.....


snape and lily were thrown out because i 'needed rest'


the evil warlock that she is is about to confiscate my book, so i'm going to have to go to sleep, because then i can be back up to my pranking abilities, just because he saved my life doesn't mean i'm going to give in or anything, THIS CHANGES NOTHING well night, atleast there will be no snoring susan to wake me up tomorrow, and no purrrrverted cats.... i hope

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