Sunday 3rd September

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9.30 am

woke up to snoring Susan again. i tried a new tactic, and i grabbed her cat and threw it on her, hey blame it on my mum, she started the whole cat throwing to wake up. i pretended to be asleep as she woke up moaning.


just getting in the shower, and really wish that Susan's cat would stop looking at me like.... That

So i shouted at it

'stop being such a purrrverted cat'

and it just smiled at me and let out a meow, creeper.


it stared at me the whole time, talk about uncomfortable.


sitting in the great hall and the yeti isn't here, hmm. i feel kind of nervous not knowing where he is.


 i'm now going to leave quickly, before something bad happens.


holy hippogriff, i'm currently on my arse on the floor .and Snape is on the floor, too. we kind of ran straight into each other

'sorry, yeti'

'sorry skank'

we both smirked at each other and walked off in different directions.


talk about bipolarness


oh merlin, HOGWARTS HAS A LIBRARY!!!! and i'm meant to be a ravenclaw!


yeti just showed up, so i performed one of my hexes on him to make him shout everything he says, even if he's whispering and you know whats the best bit? he doesn't know he's shouting


'sev what the hell why are you shouting'

'I'M NOT?'

'sev, that's not funny, were in a library'


his face was priceless, then madam lance threw him out, i started laughing uncontrollably, but i wasn't finding anything funny, what the hell?


i was sent out still laughing but crying on the inside

sevvy was waiting outside looking smug


'hahahahahahahahahahaha' i actually tried to say, you giving in sevvy? but yeah i don't think that worked.


we took the spells off each other and went back to our own destination which happened to be the same place.

'Stop stalking me, yeti!'

'i'm not stalking you, skank'

'it looks a lot like you are!'

'how do i know you're not stalking me?'

'you don't and you never will' i stated smirking.

he looked uneasy . yippee


James has started to pick on sevvy, he keeps hexing him, but not in my kind of way, this is like even walking around in corridors, me and yeti just do it to embarrass the other1 its completely over the top! stupid cousins, always taking things too far.


sitting at dinner, and i don't think that i will hex sev tonight, so i have my back to him letting him know this. he hasn't hexed me yet, but he went through enough with my cousin and i know when to stop, sometimes. talking about my cousin, i'm currently giving him evils. 


James has walked over to me

'why are you giving me evils?'

'why did you hex sev in the corridor? he wasn't doing anything to you!'

'what the hell your constanatly hexing him'

'only in public, and if you didn't realise we are in a pranking war in which the first person to give in kisses filch and i am NOT kissing filch, but we don't hex when no one is around, just to embarrass as much as possible'

'kiss filch, ew'

'yeah but why did you hex him?'

'well you know, he was born'

'that is totally barbaric'  i felt clever saying that! true ravenclaw

'well its snivillus, i mean have you seen his hair?'

'have you seen your hair?'

'have you seen YOUR hair'


i then walked out of the hall but shouted back at my cousin

'YOUR NICKNAME FOR HIM SUCKS, oh and i have a nickname for you! BULLYING PRATFACE'

i walked out.


classes tomorrow. yay! so i'll be going to bed, i think, may just sit in the middle of my floor for a while longer, staring at something on the ceiling, that isn't actually there and make the other girls confused, yeah i'll do that.

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