Saturday 7th October

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i have been awake for hours with tiffany, we are planning our voyage into hogsmead, and so far i think we have done quite well in our arangements. not.

'So tiffany how are we going to plan this?'

'To the planning cave!' tiffany yelled putting a sheet around her shoulders and zooming round the dorm, she hit a trunk and stumped her toe, then continued to hop around the dormirary,waking all the ravenclaws up, except for selene, i found all of this hysterical, until they chased us down the stairs and into the common room, so we both ran to the planning cave. its still full of ties, and every student was given a new one, but i decided i don't like my tie around my neck,so i wear it around my head instead.


inside the planning cave, we are huddled under a pile of ties, we danced about for a bit so we could think better,

'I really want to see what hogsmead is all about, this is so frustrating, we're never going to get there' i said while jumping up and down.

'Yeah i know, it's quite upsetting really, a fifth year told me there is a haunted building that has just been put up. apparenatly it emits loud screaming sometimes' tiffany panted out while doing a mixture of the mexican wave and a waltz. puffy was flying around our heads, his wings sometimes change colour to a pale purple, its nice.

'we can go in there then, if we ever find a way in' i said when i collapsed into a pile of ties and was joined by tiffany.

'lyra, was there a passage way there a minute ago?' tiffany asked looking up a little, i looked up too and saw a small passage way.

'No but i want to follow it, quick lets get changed and then go' i said running to the ravenclaw tower, tiffany on my heel,


we got dressed, and ran back to our planning cave ,but the passage was gone.

'Damn it's gone' i said annoyed

'well i guess we should try and get to hogsmead, then' tiffany said annoyed too

'it's back' i said as the passage way appeared again, i looked at tiffany and then i walked into the passage, with tiffany behind me

'Lumos' i muttered and the tip of my wand lit up, we bagan to walk hesitantly along the passage. The passage began to slope down, so we sat on our bums and slid. i landed in a pile at the botom and tried to sit up. but was knocked over as tiffany landed on top of me. stupid hufflepuffs.

'Did you know that goats cheese tastes like goats, not like i've ever tried a goat before and sometimes-' tiffany said in a hurry, i rolled my eyes. she was nervous, well so was i.

'Tiffany' i interupted her

'Yes?' she asked

'Shut up and get off me'

'oh, yeah sure' she stood up and so did i. we continued further down the passage way. tiffany was looking around nervously,

'What is your favourite kind of spoon?' tiffany asked me

'A spork' i said thoughtfully

'but that is the love child of a fork and a spoon' tiffany protested, god why cant she just except it?

'it still is part spoon' i answered back

'oh ok' HA, that told her.


We got to the end of the passageway and stepped out of the door, when we got out the door vanished and we couldn't go back. we looked around, we were in a dodgy looking pub. there was a man behind the bar who was serving a customer. oh dear.

'Well get caught' i said to tiffany

'Well what can we do?' she said nervously

'We can't go back we have to make a run for it' so we did, we ran out of the pub and into the lane outside, we followed a path but instead of coming into the village we found ourselves at a odd looking shack.

'Is this the haunted shack? i asked tiffany shrugged, we went closer to it we forced our way through a window and looked around, tiffany squeeked, scratch marks covered the furniture, i jumped up and down

'What should we do first?' i asked

'Go upstairs?' tiffany asked i nodded and we walked up the stairs,

'It doesn't seem haunted' i said

'Yeah there is no writing on the walls' tiffany said, i smiled and looked in my bag, i pulled out the paint i had been going to use for a prank on sevvy,

i got some on my finger and went up to a wall of the stairs, and i wrote

'WE ARE OUT TO GET YOU, WE KNOW YOUR SECRET'  tiffany laughed and got some paint too, and walked down the stairs and into the living room, she went to a wall that was visible and wrote

'WE WANT YOUR BLOOD' we continued upstairs and into the masters bedroom, i got some paint again and wrote extra large on the wall

 'SPORKS', puffy flew off my shoulder and walked along the wall creating little blue paw prints, it was cute i turned around and saw tiffany writing


we laughed and then jumped onto the bed, we were jumping for about an hour when we finally fell back onto the bed laughing we were covered in paint, tiffany poked me, i stared at her, in horror, how dare she poke me. i grabbed a pillow and we proceded in destroying the room, we were then covered in feathers.


we slipped out of the shack and made our way to the village, well we thought we did, it turns out we got lost, very very lost.

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