sunday 10th september

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9 am,

i woke up thinking i was dying, i mean i was in a weird position, half of my body was numb, but then i realised, i had fallen out of bed and was lying on the floor. i wasn't to uncomfortable actually. i mean it being a floor and everything. so i got up and walked to the window and sat and waited for one of the girls to wake up, the first one awake was selene, so i walked over to her

'Hello, there.pleasent day do you not think?'

'Oh yes, perfect day for flipperpuff hunting'

'Flipperpuffs?, are they relate to hufflepuffs by any chance?' i asked her, i was hopeful.

'well they could be, we could ask one if we caught it, want to join me on my hunt?'

'Yes, Yes i would'

11 am

we arranged to meet in the entrance hall at eleven, i got tiffany because, if they are related, it'll be a nice reunion for her. a family reunion of puffs. we arranged to all dress in spotty things, so i had on my spotty hoody, and hairband, with my jeans. pickle doesn't need clothes, he's a wild cat, he has fur. i wish i had fur. it would come in useful, and as tiffany said

'I wish i was a cat, i mean, you can lick your bum in public, and noone looks twice, but if i was to do that now, people would judge me'

i looked at her, disgusted, why the hell was i friends with her?, oh yeah because i'm not normal.

We got into the entrance hall and met selene, she was wearing spotty pyjamas. i'm jealous, i have to say, they are awesome. we must have looked odd.  a girl in pyjamas, a girl with a bright flourescent pink (yes that's me) hoody, and a girl crawling alond on her knees and an ocolot walking in a line across the bridge, but what should we care?, we are too cool to care, we are the wild spotters, yes our gang has a name. cool huh?

'what are you all wearing, and, is that an ocolot?' came snapes voice

'Girls, pickle, did you hear anything strange, sounded like a high squeaking noise, oh no i'm hearing things'

'it may have been a flying natterpike' said selene seriously, before she skipped ahead.

'a flying what?' snape asked confused

'I hear it again!, ahhhhh, wait for me selene, come quick pickle, tiffany save yourselves' we all skipped away from an angry but very confused yeti.

we got to the stone circle and selene got out a pair of glasses, putting them on she balanced onto her head so she was upside down, tiffany and i both turned our faces as right as possible so we were almost upside down.

12 pm

we walked up and down the grounds, occasionally standing on our heads, we then came face to face with hagrid, i gulped, he was really big and scary, so i decided to go all french on him, see what he did.

' 'ello you three, wha' you go' there, tiff'ny?' he asked looking at pickle

'C'est un ocolot, monsieur, je ne parle pas l'anglais. Parlez-vous francais?'

'You're french, huh?' he asked me puzzled, i tilted my head to te ide, to prove a point, you know, not knowing english,or was it french i wasn't suppost to know?oh god, major confusion in rainbow and unicorn land aka my head,

he then lead us up to a prefect,

'Ah bertram, you know french, do you not?'

'Yes, fluent, why?'

'This little one here is french and can't speak en'lish, help her out

oh so that was th order it went in. i see,

well this boy began talking to me in fluent french, which went over my head, i was getting bored, selene and tiffany were standing behind me smiling dreamily, pickle had got the right idea and had run away, so i did the logical thing i frowned and then bolted away from him, all the way up to the great hall, where we all collapesed into a pile by the ravenclaw table, clutching stitches, and having a giggling fit, which involved me trying not to snort.

i looked up and saw snape looking down at us, like we were scum,so i sent a hex at him and he ended up covered in boils, surves him right. nobody looks down on the wild spotters and gets away with it. Hogwarts, here we come. 

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