Sunday 11th January

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6.00 am

woke up with a nightmare again this morning, i spoke to Hector and he has them too, only his envolves wands and things, not random sporks. so i got up and went down to the great hall, followed by the purrrverted cat. i still dont know his name, Bartholomew, Misty, Crackers, Turtle and Pickle, it was a rather funny sight really, well it left filch speechless

8.15 am

Well, that was awkward, apparently it is Peters birthday and has been this day for the past fourteen years of his life, none of us new, and we just found out because we were sitting on the gryffindor  table poking 'the marauders', getting information about them becoming animagus' we will become them sooner. and shove it in their faces like 'Ha, we are cooler than you, look at what animal i turn into', so back to Peter, well he got an owl, and he exclaimed

'Oh look, mum remembered my birthday!' Tiffany, Marie., Selene and i all gave each other a worried look, all thinking the same thing.

'Dragonfarts (ok, maybe not the exact same thing) i haven't got him anything, i feel like the wart on Professor Giles' Face', that's the new defence against the dark arts teacher this year, we have had a new one each year. First year the teacher. felt he couldn't cope with the students anymore, because they were begining to rebel, shift eyes, it was not me, clears throat and looks to see if anyone is in hearing range

it was Tiffany, Marie, Selene, James, Sirius and me.

7.32 am

but noone is meant to know so stay quite

7.33 am

second year, the professor was a real mean boob, so we trashed her office and kept stealing her books one by one, she thought she was having a nervous breakdown so left

third year, that had nothing to do with us, well maybe it did, when we jumped out from around the corner and shouted 'boo' he had a heart attack, but he was old, it could have happened anytime

thirty two is old right?

and this year, we aim to get rid of warty. He is a numpty and evil and annoying. Like the teacher version of Clive. eugh.

10.30 am

we have been planning in the 'S.P.L.O.D.G.E planning room', that means Stalking People Like Overly Demented Giant  Emu's

all the ties are still in here, its quite cool actually, because when i loose my tie i don't need to worry, i can just get one from there! the pile is now half the size of the others.

10.45 am

i went for a walk before we started the plan, it will be awesome, i was about to go outside when i heard

'Lyra' my brother called i turned to see him walking towards me

'Hey Hector' i said sleepily

'I have a detention tonight with the Defence teacher' he said sadly

'Why? what did you do?'

'I kept singing during his lesson' He said smiling slightly, i grinned

'singing what?'

'the school song, only it went a little like this, hogwarts, hogwarts, hoggy warty hogwarts, you have a warty nose, its so big and you're so gross, from your head to your toes, and so on'

'Brilliant' i said high fiving him, he laughed

'And something else' he said slowly

'Yeah?' i asked him

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