1974- Monday 14th December

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I found my diary with help from my brother, he was saving it to give to me for Christmas, but he said he got me a new present and i could have it now, i gave him the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek, i don't think he appreciated it much,

well a lot has happened in the past three years, obviously i am in fourth year, and Hector is in third, Clive has pretty much taking over the family. he's now my step dad, and well hes an arsehole.

Hector has two very odd friends that sometimes hang out with us, there is Lucas who is ridiculously tall and johnny who constantly yells 'Shit the bed' at everything, that or 'Potato' so yeah he fits in well...

Tiffany has a huge crush on Sirius now, and James has kept asking Lily out, who refuses all the time, Marie still has a thing for Remus, and selene now has a thing for someone called xeno, 

Hector hasn't got a thing for anyone, like me, we are free rangers, Lucas has a huge crush on selene, and Peter is being odd, and twitchy.


At home, Everything is crap. Hector and i don't like to talk about it, so School is our get away, of course i worry about mother all the time, she seems to be blind to clives obvious selfish arsehole nature, i over heard a conversation between Mum and Clive. He was trying to send Hector and i to beauxbatens where we would stay all year until we finish school, this was obviously turned down.

he keeps asking about what mum used to do as her job before Hector and i were born, she used to be an unspeakable at the minestry, 


Pickle and his babies are all fine, i have one of them after saving them from being drowned by filch, Marie has another, Hector has one and so does Tiffany, there was one left, and Lucas showed interest, so he owns hiim at school but me and Hector take him home during the summer holidays as his parents werent happy. She was absoloutly furious with filch and tripped him down the stairs to the dungeon, he was in the hospital wing for a week, he still doesn't know it was her.

pickle and Mrs norris still meet in secret, and even though mrs norris is a mrs, pickle doesnt seem to mind, lovely pickle. his babies are about half the size of pickle. twice the size of mrs norris.

Tiffany called hers Pumpernickle hes rather cute, and rather unfortunately his nickname is pump, trust Tiffany....

Marie called her ocelot mixed house cat, Mistoffelees we call her Misty for short

Hector called his Bartholomew, we call him Mew for short

I however thought outside the box and called mine Turtle. hes rather awkward, that's why he's turtle, he's a lot like me, Puffy and him get along great

Lucas' ocelot/house cat is called crackers, and that she is, she is bonkers. Very cute, likes to hump legs however.... bit weird, she hides under things and attacks peoples ankles.

3.00 pm

i have tried out for quiddich and got on the team, its a miracle, apparently they liked my 'dive' off the broom to catch the snitch, even though i was trying out as chaser and fell off my broom, they don't need to know that though, i caught it as i fell, because i'm amazing and a fricken NINJA, hell yes.

4.15 pm

care of magical creatures is my worst subject, honestly, all creatures are attracted to me, it's like a curse, the worst was when a puss filled leach toad crawled up my leg, ive never had so many showers in a day.


My brother is a genius, the day he was going to be sorted i talked to him about professor mcgonagall on the train, i had a bet going with him, well he won it, this is what happened

Professor Dumbledore was sitting at the front of the great hall like the epical man he is, with his amazing long shiny beard, and professor Mcgonagall was reading the names of people going to be sorted, Lucas Cooper was sorted into ravenclaw and sat opposite me, i was bored and lonly with selene and Dylan who were just sitting watching the sorting, Lucas smiled at me and then stuck his tounge out, i knew he was cool then, johnny Day was also put in ravenclaw, he sat next to me, and smiled too, i gave him a small shove and he looked at me in fake horror

'What in the name of potato's was that for?'

'I knew you were cool' i said he smiled

'Thompson Hector, Oh dear' she mumbled the last bit, i wooped loudly hector gave me the thumbs up

'Hey there kitty, how are you?' he asked Professor Mcgonagall everyone chuckled i wooped again, Best brother ever. He was put in ravenclaw too. He's a chaser on the team, we rock. Quiddich must run in the blood, James is a chaser too.

05.45 pm

THE MOST REVOLTING NEWS, the yeti has aparenatly got a massive crush on me, i mean EW! Lily told me, i'm not sure weather to believe her, maybe, i'll have to keep an eye on that.

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