Friday 1st September

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Mum threw the cat on me to wake me up, yes she actually threw the cat on me, i feel so sorry for the cat! but anyway who cares because i'm going to hogwarts today!


Yay hoggywarts!


I'm too nervous to eat, mum says i should.

'eat your breakfast Lyra You'll need it for today to keep your strength up'

'but mum i'm too nervous'

'please have something?'

'i'll eat on the train'

'ok then, sweetie, have you packed your trunk?'

'most of it' ...non of it

'go pack it now' damn.


if i get hungry i could eat the train... but i would wait until i got to hogsmead station, but then i'd spoil my appetite for the feast... i'll have to eat the train another time, maybe at Christmas, yes that would be nice.


have everything packed, yay! well more like an organised mess, or just total chaos would be a better explanation.


I'm off to see the wizard, The wonderful wizard of hogwarts....


i'm at kings freaking cross! i'm off to hogwarts, i'm so excited i'm like a seal on happy pills....

10.55 i'm sitting in a compartment on the train. bored, alone, bored and hungry. Might try and eat the train now, I wonder if i ate it, if Dumbles would find another was to get to hogwarts, maybe on a load of flying carpets, of on invisible zip wires, that would be fun, i may talk to him about that.

10.56 well that was embarrassing James walked in on me practicing my speech to say to dumbledore it went a little like this... *cough*

'oh mighty great dumbledore one with your great beard of wisdom, i have just eaten the train and though of a fabulous way of getting to your oh so wonderful school, it would be extremely fun, we can skip the whole kaboom about why i ate your train and ... oh hello James, how long have you been standing there?'

he asked me why i'd eaten the train and i told him of my hunger and he gave me a chocolate frog, and that made me happy


We're off!! the train is moving and i cannot wait!


some boy walked in and sat down he's called Sirius, so naturally i asked him if he was being serious, i said he was always serious, and now i think he's cool. unlike my cousin who looks like he's been fun over by a tractor.


he's not happy i said that...


a girl and a boy just walked in to our compartment, The girl had red hair and was my age she was called lily, the boy was called Severus Snape...his name is funny.


i just punched Snape in the face. it was a total accident... i meant to punch James i tried to tell him this but he just gave me evils and stalked out of the room his friend lily giving me evils too. the boys were laughing at me


 i'm still mortified that i punched him.


we're pulling into hogsmead!


we're all following someone called Hagrid, he's massive i think he may be a giant, so does James, there are boats and we've been asked to get in some, i'm next to a boy called Remus, and Snape and lily have just got in behind me bloody brilliant.


Snape just pushed me into the black lake. but you'll never guess what! i met mr muffin! i actually met him! granted it was only the time he pushed my out of the water back into my boat but, what do i care, he'll be the love of my life someday.


we're all standing in front of a hat, on a stall, that just sang a song, that's something mum forgot to tell me. i was still rather wet and some of the older students were laughing at me. i put my middle finger up at them. some one whispered 'slytherin' so i looked down at the floor sulking.


i hate my name beginning with T its been forever! but it's Snape now, lets see where he goes.


surprise surprise, he's a slytherin,


my name was called be right back.


i was put in slytherin kill me now, ha and you thought i was serious? well no Sirius is serious but i'm in ravenclaw, i must be clever. you wouldn't really think would you?


i'm up in my dormitory, its nice and its blue, and the feast was bloody delicious, but i'm going to sleep so i can plan my revenge on s.e.v.v.y tomorrow... that stands for 

'socially enept and very vicious yeti'

Bothering SnapeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon