Sunday 27th December

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6.15 am

you may be wondering what i'm doing up so early, especially on a Holiday, well Hector and i were called home last minute. Apparently our Step-dad has bought a new house, with mum's money i may add. And we are moving there today. Hector and i are sitting in the back of Clive's car. i looked at Hector who was looking moody. well it is early, and we are leaving the house we grew up in.

'Hectormoron' i whispered

'What?' he replied in a whisper

'I don't want to live in vine-wood end, i want to stay here, anyway vine-wood end sounds stupid' i said sadly, making sure the adults couldn't hear me

'Same' he agreed

'how about i attack Clive with a spork, and you take over the wheel?' i asked him, he chuckled slightly

'Yeah, and then we can drive to turkey' he said

'set up a new life living with the gobbles' i continued

'And live in wooden huts' he said through a grin

'on wheels' i added

'Of course' , he nodded

'and only eat asparagus' i said after a moments thought

'or we could move to Australia with the kangaroo's, i've heard they are very hospitable'

'yeah, but what about the-'

'Shut up in the back' yelled Clive. Not cool, we were only imagining all the ways to get rid of him, how dare he. I nudged Hector and i mouthed at him, 'Follow my lead' and so we sang, loudly and happily to a song Tiffany had taught me and i taught Hector 'we're all going on a summer holiday'

'i said, shut up in the back' yelled Clive putting the break on quite suddenly, Hector and i stared at him but shut up all the same, what a nasty man. we crossed our arms and sulked for the rest of the journey.


we are finally driving through the town, the streets are lined with houses and chimneys fill the sky, the car is bumpy with the cobbles, its horrible, its dreary and i just want to go home.


the house itself is situated half way along a terrace, each house has a small garden at the front about big enough for a broomstick to be layed down in it, honestly it's not the best sight ever, its has dirty brown covered bricks and the door is yellow, and not even a hufflepuff yellow, more of a 'i just flew out of Puffy's nose when he sneezed' kind of yellow...


Hector and i have decided to go for a walk to get to know the local area, i already hate it here, i want to go home.

'hey, lyra' hector nudged me

'what?' i asked looking at him, he was looking at the river and a big tree, sat under it was a young girl with red hair and

'holy mother of a toad' i said after looking at her closely

'it's Lily Evans' nodded Hector who appeared to be checking her out

'wouldn't check her out if i were you' i warned him

'why not?' he asked still looking at Lily

'because cousin James will have your head' Hector just laughed

'she hates him' he argued 'and shes pretty'

'my family sucks' i said in a huff walking away and leaving Hector to drool over Lily for a while. I slowly walked home. 


i'm writing a letter to Tiffany to tell her about moving, not about Clive though, thats for me and Hector to know. 

To the great Tiffany one (who rules over all cats in hats, boots with ribbons and with scarves that drag along the floor behind them, the ones who sing and dance all day and all night to find the jewels of arapaydoo that lie in the caves of the isle or prinuculus, where the feared custard monster is thought to spend his free time), i have some news, i Princess Lyra, (ruler of the land of awesome where wild skyepuff's roam and the grass is bright orange and the sea is yellow, and flutter-by bushes are planted by the mountains of joy and the valleys of happiness that are reached by the rainbow road that appears when an item of clothing is removed, unless already naked then it will already be there) , well, i have moved house, i no longer live in the south, but live up north in a place called vine-wood end, its a dreary place. i spotted Lily Evans out on a walk earlier i must live near her, all my best pokes, Your sexual friend, Lyra the wonderful.

 Hector walked in from the walk once i had finished


Clive has sent Hector and i to bed, we are in trouble, mainly because i let Puffy out of his cage and he stole a load of food from the kitchen, all we did was cheer Puffy on and dance, and sing. Clive just over reacted. Hector and i share a room here, the house is tiny, only a two bed-roomed, two rooms down stairs, and hardly any garden, which is sad because our last house was triple the size of this and it also had acres of garden.

I lay down in bed and sighed, Mum always does what Clive wants, if not he beats her, he hasn't beaten us yet, but i'm sure it's just a short step until he does, but i am not going to just sit around and let him hit me, i will not sit around and let him hit hector, i just wish i could help mum.

I felt my bed dip, Hector slid in next to me, he sighed too

'Did you see it?' he asked me

'see what?' i asked

'Mum-' he hesitated

'The new bruise, yeah' i finished for him

'Just think, when we are seventeen, we can use our magic against him, and then no-one can stop us' Hector said through a yawn, sometimes he can be so sweet and naive, i love to call him my brother. i heard his breath steady into a slow deep one, and sunk further into the bed, closing my eyes, waiting for the land of no worries and peaceful platypus's to play hide and seek with engulf me.

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