Monday 7th September

934 38 30

7.30 am

Standing in the shower. head leaning on wall, can't move. Going to sing. Cat perving on me.


'I'm a little fairy, i got drunk. heres my headache, heres my bum. I will sit on it all day long. Cos i do feel like crap right now.'

9.30 am

'Erughhh' i groaned from my desk, i truly felt awful, i was so happy it was only history of magic i was in right now. My head hurt so badly and i had the biggest bruise ever on my leg... and i'm only just remembering slightly what happened. All i know right now is that no one can get Johnny down from the roof, Lucas is still a guinea pig. James can't pop his bubble and Sirius can't look James in the eye... What happened last night?

'I feel like i was excreted out of a rhino' I muttered to Marie who looked rather pale

'i feel...' but then she passed out and slid onto the floor. I like to pretend to be rugs too sometimes.

'What do you feel Marie?' I asked her

'Tiffany is so achey that she believes talking in third person will make her feel better, unfortunately for her, her own voice is making her head ache even more, SHUT UP TIFFANY' Tiffany said slamming her face onto the table

'Lyra can see James avoiding Sirius and is wondering what Sirius did wrong, but all she can see is blackness when she tries to think of last night' i said following in the third person, because third person wins epically.

'the last thing i remember is those fireball discoshots that we invented' Tiffany groaned

'I don't remember that... or do i?' I muttered


'James, hand me the fire whiskey i'll add it to the drink' Sirius said putting yet another bottle into the cauldron, it turned a bubblegum pink

'Merlin! that looks amazing!' Marie said 'I want one'

we all dipped our glasses into the cauldron and took a gulp

'It burns my throat' Peter groaned

'I want to dance' I giggled

'It tastes like moonshine and rainbows and cats' Tiffany giggled

'how do you know what cats taste like?' i asked

'i-i don't lick them, stop accusing me!' Tiffany said back

'Hey, i want some more' Sirius muttered

*End Flashback*

'Cats' I muttered as Selene stood up and walked out of class with out anyone noticing, except me... weird.

10.05 am

'Hey Tiffany' Sirius said smirking at Tiffany, she raised her eyebrows at him, it was break and we were sitting in the grounds with a cup of tea. I felt better.

'ARGHHH' Sirius screamed suddenly, collapsing on the ground in the fetal position

'What?' I asked walking over to him and touching his shoulder

'it felt like someone just kicked me in the balls' He said in a high pitched voice

'how does that work, what were you doing before hand?'

'I was, err... nothing' he said


'Sirius stop staring at my boobs' Tiffany giggled

'but i want to' Sirius hiccuped

'Well i'm just going to have to punish you' Tiffany said getting her wand out

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2012 ⏰

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