Saturday 9th September

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7.30 am

outside it was cold and wet, and inside it was cold and dry. both sucked. some one is lying in the hospital wing, they broke their arm, so i'm going to entertain myself, i walked over to him,

he's in sixth year, and a prefect and in slytherin so i ran over to my bed pretending i wasn't planning on turning him into a duck...

7.42 am 

i'm so bored that i have been daydreaming about chasing hufflepuffs with a spork, is that wrong?

7.44 am

i may go and give moaning myrtle a nice view, and take a shower,


i'm allowed out of the hospital wing, i'm so happy, i may have to go and tell my mr muffin


i'm to scared to go near the lake, so i got close and then ran off screaming... but on the fun side i did see professor mcgonagall

'What's new, pussy cat' i sung at her, she rolled her eyes and gave me a detention,

'but i still have mild concussion! i mean can you not see that leprcaun that is following you around?'

i got off my detention, i'm happy


i went and sat in the middle of the corridor staring up at the ceiling, people looked at me weirdly when they walked by, i was sitting there for half an hour before i realised someone was sitting next to me staring at the ceiling too, i smiled at her

'I'm lyra, you are?'

'i'm tiffany, pleasure'

'You're a hufflepuff?'


'can i chase you with a spork?'

'after we have a tea party?'

'Of corse'



i wish murder wasn't illegal, some slytherins are being mean, me and tiffany were only skipping down the corridor it wasnt like we were running around slapping them or anything... although that is a good idea

'stop being such a sourpuss' i shout, and then see professor McGonagall, it made me laugh and she actually gave me a detention! can you believe it, ME poor innocent me in a detention monday night, FOUL TROLL OF A WOMAN,

so i yelled

'Oh no its a Cat-astrophy'

she wasn't amused, others were, she told me to stop horsing about, this made me laugh and also snape laugh because of history of magic,

'Breaking Mews everyone, the cat's out of the bag and i have a detention, Purrrfect'

'that's two detentions'

'thats cat-astrophic'

'thats enough!'

i wanted to yell out, your face was enough, but i thought that was innopropriate

so i walked of saying 'tabby or not tabby, that is the question' rubbing my chin with my fingers in pretend thought,


tiffany gave me an invisible burger, but it was there when i used my imagination

sitting in the great hall, i wore my t-shirt that said hang in their kitty, mcgonagall wasnt impressed


 Snape laughed hesterically at my tshirt, but then transfigured the cat face into mcgoggles face, she thought it was me and gave me a third detention


there are four things, in my life that make me want to die

1. i just set fire to my bed, purely accidental, i was making sparks from my wand and then suddenly it was on fire,

2. i have three detentions

3. one of them is with snape

4. snape.

7.00 p.m

met tiffany on the fifth floor, she said it took her ages to find me, because she was practising her ninja skills all the way up to see me, i was impressed. i'm not going to lie.

she showed me her skills of ninja attacks, they are quite awesome, she'll have to teach me some moves.

i said 'tiffany, how many potatoes would it take to fill up a dorm room?'

'one, a giant one called borris'

then i told her about the giant squid and me, we were talking for quite sometime about how me and him will get married, and that we will have loads of babies, awesome squiddy ones. we also decided that she can help me prank snape, it will be totally awesome!,

we were walking along the corridor when a cat came over to me, it started to savage my ankle, i looked at it weirdly, ignoring the cuts on my legs

'Tiffany, thats an ocolot, that is a wild cat, wonder why its in the castle'

'It's mine, it said i could have a cat, it didn't say it couldn't be a wild one!'

'I want a tiger' i told her, her ocolot is called pickle, it's absoloutly bonkers and fits in with us well, he's now part of our gang,

apparenatly, tiffany got him while she was on holiday in france, some guy was using him in a circus, and the circus was going to be shut down, so she took him, i don't know if she was allowed to, but thats just technicallities.

the circus was called 'jim's wild experience, come if you dare' well i had a laughing fit for about half an hour. on the floor, in the middle of the corridor, snorting, attractive.

'not sure if he had a mummy or daddy there' tiffany said while cooing at pickle, so i said to lighten the mood

'He probably ate them and then pooed them out in someones bed'

me and tiffany went into a classroom and began to dance, like you do, but we kept knocking things over, so we decided to stop. mainly because we heard filch coming to see what the nosie was all about, we ran away, well i skipped. and then we passed a group of people and they all gave us discusted looks, this made me sad. and then tiffany and pickle went back to the hufflepuff common room. i was then left alone with my thoughts, which isn't a good idea.

8.30 p.m

 i can feel my self getting annoyed at people, and that won't end well. i mean, why do i get so many funny looks, i was walking along like a normal person and they were all just staring.


it's because i was leaving a trail of blood where pickle savaged my leg, then i decided that i wanted to go and get sympathy from madam pomfrey. maybe i will get a lolly pop, i hope so

i didn't get a lolly pop, i don't think that's fair, i mean, who doesn't give a child who's been savaged by an ocolot a lolly pop?, well obviously her, i'm going to set pickle on her and then not give her a lolly pop, she will regret this day!


but right now i'm going to bed, nighy night.

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