Lockdown Comes To Earth

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Lockdown POV

My injuries have been repaired. I'm letting the new wound on my chest that Sky gave me scar. For a new Cybertronian, she knew how to fight. Fight good. The new scar will remind me that a female has managed to take me down.

But she let me live. Mercy, as they call it. I may take my trophies alive, but I show no mercy. She looked right into my optics and said she wouldn't kill me. But the question is,

Why? Why am I still here?

My thoughts were interrupted by one of the creators.

"Lockdown, we have given you new upgrades to find the new Prime." They show me equipment that I've only visioned of having.

An invisibility cloak, phase shifter, a stun gun, and a new device that helps me shrink to human size. I never had one to begin with, nor did I want one installed. But this is necessary.

"Use them wisely, Lockdown. Do not fail us again." The lead creator said with that raspy voice, I bow to them.

A green portal opens in front of me.

"Go find the new Prime and bring her to us." They said together.

I walk through the portal.

I'm in a room that is sky blue with a berth, a window overlooking the outdoors, and three doors.

This must be Sky's berthroom. It's rather uncomfortable that I'm in her place of dwelling. I'm curious as to where these doors go, I open one of the doors to see where it leads.

It leads into a bright room. I shield my optics, this room is a color I've never SEEN. It's horrendous!

It has some type of glass box in the wall, a small white bowl with a mirror above it, and a large white bowl with something to shield it from sight.

I immediately leave that room. There's two more doors, I go to another one and open it. Another small room, but this one is red. With lots of shelves with human armor.

I should just look for Sky. I search for an Energon signal.

There's one not far from me, it must be her. Another one pops up, and it's not mine. What is going on here?

"So what did you think of the Lamborghini Veneno form I chose?" Sky. It's her. Now's my chance, I slowly step towards the door.

"I think it's fine, I'll teach you how to transform into your new alt mode. It's just like transforming into your Autobot form."

No, impossible. That was Optimus Primes voice. Prime came here with her?! Footsteps are coming towards the door I haven't opened yet.

SCRAP!! I quickly activate my invisibility cloak, I vanish. The door opens, revealing Sky and Optimus Prime.

"How is it similar?" She asks.

"You just envision it and concentrate." Said Prime. I can't believe Prime is here too.

"Your home is very nice and spacious." He said.

"Thanks, it used to belong to my uncle before he passed away." She said.

"Pardon my asking, but what happened to him?" Prime asked Sky.

"He died of Leukemia about a month ago. In his will, he left his fortune and this mansion to his sister, who is my mother. We moved in about a week ago." Sky said.

Leukemia? Is that a disease of human sorts?

"I'm very sorry, Sky." Said Prime.

"It's alright." Sky said.

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