Meeting Primus

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Where am I? I can't see anything right now, it's pitch black. I turn in every direction to see if there's any source of light, nope.

"Hello?" I call out. Only my own echo answered, "Hello??" I call out again. Still only an echo.

"Sky Prime." I heard a voice calling me. It wasn't Solace Prime, this voice was different, yet seems familiar. I see a big pale blue light about 40 feet above me. I look up, by the Allspark...

I think this is Primus, the core of Cybertron. I'm honestly feeling a little nervous, I'm before Primus himself. I continue to stare at the core of Cybertron.

"I chose you to become a Prime, but not with the matrix of leadership." Primus said.

"I know, but why me? I'm only human, or former human. What makes me so special?" I ask.

"Because I knew the moment you were born, you had the right qualities. The chances of a human having qualities like yours are one in a million. That's why I actually live within your spark as we speak." He said.

Wait, Primus is in my spark? He was in my heart? So that's what that light was going into my heart as a baby! It was Primus!

"Okay, but why do you speak to me now?" I ask Primus.

"Because you're in danger." Primus said.

"What danger?" I hope he doesn't mean Unicron.

"I cannot tell, you must see for yourself." He said.

"But-" I stop. Primus must have a have a reason why he's not telling me.

"Open your spark chamber." Said Primus.

"Uh, why?" I ask nervously.

"Trust me." He said. Well, okay... I hesitantly open my chest, revealing my spark. I look down at my spark, it glows a bright sky blue. This is the most incredible thing I've ever seen, my own power source.

Optimus POV

I go to check on Sky, I do it every so often since Lockdown is here as well. I'm afraid he might take her to the Creators, I'm surprised he hasn't tried anything yet.

"Uh, why?" I heard Sky say. What is going on in there?

I look in to her room and see her spark chamber opening. Her spark is pulsing a bright blue, why is she opening her spark chamber? I go in and kneel next to her bed, watching her spark pulse.


I look back up at Primus, "Now what do I do?" I ask.

"Perform a sparkbond with your sparkmate." He said. My eyes go wide with surprise.

"A sparkbond? How do I do that? What does it even do?" I've got tons of questions, not enough answers.

"You and Optimus Prime were destined for each other, perform the bond and become true sparkmates." Primus said.

"Like marriage?" I ask.

"Yes, like marriage." He said.

WHAT?!?!? I'm still a kid!!! Still too young to be married! But then again, who would want to be with someone like me? Other than Optimus, nobody loves me. I take a deep breath.

"I'll do it." I say.

I suddenly wake up to see Optimus next to my bed, I sigh of relief that he's here. I have to tell him what I saw. I look and see my spark showing, my armor was there too.

"Sky, who were you talking to?" He asked.

"Primus." I say. Optimus looked very surprised at that statement.

"Primus? What did he tell you?" Optimus asked.

"He told me that I was in danger." I said.

"I promise you that I will keep you safe from anything." He said while holding my hand.

"And another thing..." I trail off.

"What is it?" Optimus asks.

"He told me to sparkbond with you." I say quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear it.

"He told you to what?" He asked.

"Sparkbond." I say quietly.

"He told you to sparkbond with me?" Dammit, he heard me.

"Yes. But I don't know how to." I say.

"It's rather simple. A sparkbond is where both mech and femme put their sparks together." Optimus said. Huh, that is simple. But I'm still really nervous.

"Um...okay." I say as I stand up, my spark still showing.

"Don't be afraid, Sky." He said. I take a deep breath as Optimus showed his spark, I can't believe that I'm doing this. We step a got closer to each other, our sparks almost touching.

Then I get the courage to lean in and combine our sparks. I get an exhilarating feeling in my chest, it feels amazing. It's like falling in love all over again, and I was afraid of this?

I can also see Optimus' memories, there were good and happy times, others bad and horrific. The time he met me.

After a few minutes, we pull back and the wonderful feeling is gone. Darn, I loved that feeling.

"That was amazing..." I say out of breath.

"Now how do you feel?" Optimus asked.

"Great." I say. I go back to my bed and lay down, sparkbonding is actually very tiring. Optimus comes and lays next to me. I put my head on his chest, and fall asleep once more.

So sorry this chapter is really short! I've been running out of ideas. I have started a new story too! It's called Fangirls meet Transformers, go check it out too!

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