Undiscovered Secrets

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I took all my friends out for a 30 minute drive, they loved every minute of it. I took them home before I went back to my house.

When I got back, I transformed and shrunk to  my human size. I go inside and go straight to the media room. The screen was still on, I hit the second deleted scene again.

Lockdown took me somewhere, but I don't know where. It just shows him grabbing my arm and dragging me off to somewhere.

"Where did you take me, Lockdown?" I ask myself. I must know! Maybe the third deleted scene will shed some light. I hit the button to play it.

I'm still a little kid. But I might be 5 years old here. I was wearing a little blue dress with white flowers on it.

Everywhere was white again, and Lockdown showed up again, still transparent. He grabbed my arm again and the interior of his ship appeared.

But this time, he lead me to a room. The room had a metallic chair similar to his captains chair, and Lockdown picked me up and sat me in it.

What is he doing?

"Stay there." He said firmly. Younger me just sat there and started to cry. Lockdown came back over and hushed me.

"It's alright, nothing bad will happen." He said. If that were me now, I would have fought back. But younger me nodded and stopped crying.

He then went to a control panel and was doing something. I just sat in that chair as metal cables were snaking their way towards me.

I started crying again as they got closer. Lockdown just looked at me as the cables got really close.

Young me jumped out of the chair and ran for the door. Lockdown turned around and saw me run.

"Hey! Get back here now!"  He yelled. I didn't even turn around, I just kept running. The scene ended.

Cliffhanger!! That was just wrong! I hit the fourth deleted scene.

It continued of young me running through the corridors. Lockdown wasn't far behind me, I turned left and kept running.

But he caught me, and I screamed. Lockdown picked me up and looked at me scornfully.

"Don't you ever run from me!" He snarled. I kept screaming, Lockdown carried me back in the direction of the room. I kept pushing away trying to get away from him.

He jerked me hard, "Stop your squirming!" He said angrily.

Lockdown was suddenly kicked in the back by someone, making him drop me. I fell on the metal floor, and looked up at the attacker.

I recognize this character! He had claws and sharp teeth, he was red, orange, brown and yellow.

It was Transformers Prime Predaking in bot form!! He saved me?

Lockdown turned around and saw Predaking standing over me.

"Get away from her! She's mine!" Lockdown snarled. I got up and ran behind Predaking, who had his arm in front of me.

"Leave her alone!" Predaking said. Why is Predaking helping me? Why is he even there?

"I found her first, she's mine!" Lockdown said. I cowered behind the King.

Lockdown charged Predaking and they got into a huge fight! Predaking looked over at me, "Run!" He shouted.

I took his advice and ran.

"Guards! Get the girl!" Lockdown shouted. I look behind me and saw his men human sized chasing me.

Scene ended. Aw come on!

Fifth scene. Running through the ship's corridors until I was surrounded by three guards.

Then Predaking came up behind one and ripped his spark out. The other guards tried to take him down, but no avail.

Predaking took them both down singlehandedly. When the fighting stopped, he gently picked me up. I was crying hysterically, until I looked into those yellow optics.

"It's alright, you're safe now. I'll get you out of here." Said Predaking. I buried my face into his chest. The next thing I knew, I was in my old room.

In the house I lived in before I moved here. Predaking laid me in my bed and covered me up.

"You won't have to worry about Lockdown anymore. I'll be there if he comes for you again." He said while showing his teeth in a smile. I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you..." I whispered. The scene ended.

I have tears running down my face. I can't believe Predaking saved me, he was good. I knew he was good!

"Sky?" I turn around to see Optimus standing there.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask.

"Long enough to see that presentation of that little girl being saved by a Predacon." He said, I sigh.

"That little girl is me." I said.

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