Buried Secrets

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"What do you mean there's another me? I'm the only me in existence." Lockdown said.

"Okay that's not true. There's one from Transformers Animated. But in that you have red optics, a black and green paint job, and a yellow hook. No offense, but you look really lame in it." I said.

"I'll only understand when I see it for myself." He said. I take out my iPod and pull up a picture of Transformers Animated Lockdown and show him,

"That's you." I said. Lockdown looked very surprised, "THAT'S what I look like? Pathetic." I snicker.

"I know right. But other than him, there's only you. I can't explain this Lockdown though, do you have a secret twin by any chance?" I ask.

The bots just watch me ask the questions, but Optimus and Predaking kept eying Lockdown.

"No, no siblings." Lockdown said.

I'm really racking my processor here, how can there be more than one Lockdown?? A clone? An imposter?

"I need some time to think about this." I said. I almost exit the room before someone stops me, it was Optimus.

"What do you want to do with Lockdown?" He asked. I turn towards the bounty hunter, who is looking back at me.

"I don't know yet, but I need some time to think. I'm very confused right now." I said as I walked out. I go upstairs and go to Jakes room, I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Jake hollered.

"The first Female Prime." I said. I hear Jake walking to the door and turning the knob.

"Yeah, Sky?" He said.

"There's two Lockdowns." I said. Jake looked scared,

"In the house?!" I shake my head no.

"No! But there's one down in the media room if you wanna go talk to him." Jake shrunk back.

"Um, no thanks. I'd rather stay alive." He said. I laugh, I'm a lot braver than Jake is.

"You don't want to give him a piece of your mind?" I ask.

"I would, but if I did he would kill me afterwards." Jake said.

"Alright, you big ninny. I'm the one who interrogated him." I say as I walk to my uncles bedroom, I go there when I need to think.

There's his King sized bed, a large bookshelf covering an entire wall, and a 60 inch tv mounted on the wall. I lay down on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

I don't know why, but I always think better in this room. It's always quiet in here, perfect for thinking. But this room also gives me a funny feeling.

I look over at the bookshelf, a book was hanging out. It was Eragon by Christopher Paolini, my uncle and I loved that book.

I get up and push it back into place, then I hear a click and the bookshelf split apart. It opened to reveal a spiral staircase.

Wow, it's the 'secret passageway behind the bookcase' cliche.

My uncle wasn't one for keeping secrets, but I must know more. I slowly walk towards the spiral staircase, when I start walking down the bookshelf went back into place.

I'm walking down this dark staircase, I activate my night vision it's so dark. Damn, how long is this staircase?!

It must lead somewhere deep underground. I see a white light at the bottom, finally!!

I deactivated my night vision as I got closer to the bottom, I can actually see my feet now. I'm finally at the bottom, from the staircase led a long dark hallway with colorful blinking lights. Almost like leading to a laboratory.

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