Lockdown meets Lockdown

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I wake up the next morning laying on Optimus' chest, that feeling last night was wonderful. The most amazing thing ever, I can't believe I was nervous to do it. I hope him and I can do it again.

Optimus was already awake, I looked into his electric blue optics.

"Hi." I say. He puts his hand on my neck.

"We are officially sparkmates." He said. I can't believe that I have my forever sparkmate. Meaning that I'm his, and he's mine. I feel kinda bad for the people who have crushes on Optimus, they love him with all their hearts. But I'm the one who caught his spark.

I'm actually really glad the doors closed, so my parents don't see this. Whenever my door is closed, they don't come in unless it's important. I'm not up here much, so they leave me alone when it's those days. I lay my head back down on his chest.

But then the door opens, revealing guess who? My parents.

"Sky, we need-" they see me and Optimus laying together. They're probably gonna think that we're having interface. Does sparkbonding count as that?

"What are you two doing?" Mom asked, kinda nervously.

"If you think it was that, it wasn't. We were just enjoying each other's company." I say to calm them down.

They sighed of relief, "Good. Because you're still too young to." Dad said.

I facepalm. I know I'm not going to until I'm well in my twenties, I don't even know how old Optimus is.

"Can you go now, please?" I ask nicely.

"Alright, you two." They said as they walk out. Yeesh, they need to trust me a little more. I didn't tell them about the sparkbonding, they don't need to know that I already found my soulmate at 17.

"Um, Optimus? How old are you?" I ask him. He looks down at me.

"I am 24,000." He said. WHOA WHAT?!? I never knew that!! I immediately look up at Optimus.

"Seriously??" I'm completely shocked. He nodded.

"On Cybertron, that's like being 24 on earth." Optimus said. That's still like, 7 years older that me. But I don't care, I'm happy with Optimus. I'm still curious as to what Primus said, me being in danger.

I'm really hoping that he doesn't mean Unicron or something, because that would be bad. I sigh and close my eyes, I need some time to think. Optimus is still with me, and I want him to stay with me.

"I still wish I knew what Primus meant when I was in danger." I said.

"I do too, I don't want you getting hurt." Optimus said to me. I smile a little, it's nice to know that he really cares for me and vice versa. Nobody ever did before Optimus, but that doesn't matter to me now.

I slowly sit up and stretch out, my gears whirring as I did. I've already gotten used to the sounds of my parts moving, but it still feels weird. Optimus gets up first, then I do. I move a certain way and my neck instantly hurts, I hold my now sore neck.

"Ow..." I groan. Optimus looked back at me with concern.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I think I slept on my neck wrong, it happens from time to time." I say while rubbing the sore spot.

He still looked concerned, but he nodded.

"I just wanted to make sure I didn't hurt you." Optimus said.

"I know how to get rid of it, give me an hour." I say as I start heading for my bathroom.

"Alright." He said as he walked out of my room. I go into my bright pink bathroom and lock the door, I'm not falling for Bumblebee imitating Lockdown again.

I start filling up my bathtub with hot water, and a little bubble bath. It's been FOREVER since I've taken a bubble bath, plus the stuff smells like peaches. I love peaches.

I shift back to my human skin and slowly slide in, getting in a bathtub in my armor would be really weird. Oooooh, the water feels so nice... Now I normally don't feel temperature difference, but right now I feel the warmth of the water.

Lockdown POV

I can't believe that I'm actually staying here, and I'm LISTENING to what Sky said. The Autobots have been very weary of me, I don't necessarily blame them. That Predaking has been watching me closely, and it's rather disturbing.

They know that my evil self is down in the ship beneath this structure! Actually, why don't I just go down there? I'm not leaving the property, just exploring under it. I've been learning to navigate this place, and I've been in that room that leads down to the ship now and then.

I quickly gaze around to see if any Autobots are keeping watch of me, nobody. I do see Sky's sibling with those kids, but I can get around them easily. I activate my invisibility cloak and slowly sneak my way around the humans and head upstairs.

Once I'm out of sight, I deactivated my cloak and head to the room with that secret passage. I hear something, like someone humming. It's actually rather nice, but I don't have time to waste.

I walk into the room and stare at the bookshelf as humans call it, looking for the right so called book. I heard Sky say something about Eragon, I've been learning to read English so I could find it.

I keep looking and I think I found the right one. I slowly push it in, trying not to make much noise. The wall started moving, it was the right one. The wall barely makes noise when it opens, I quickly walk through. The wall closed behind me.

This staircase takes a long time to walk down, but I need to see my evil self once more. Once I'm down, I head down the corridor into the ship.

Where was that room he was in again? I keep heading down this corridor and look in a room lined with stasis pods, having men similar to my own inside of them.

I go in and look at the pods, I thought my men and I were the only ones of us. The pod at the end doesn't hold a guard, it holds my other self. I thought he was in another room, why is he in here?

Maybe I can get some answers out of him.

"How does this open?" I ask out loud, while looking for a way to open this pod. The door of the pod suddenly opened, I jump back.

That actually startled me, but I'm prepared for anything that my other self might do. I take my gun out and aim at the figure within the pod.

There's coughing coming from the pod, then my other self falling out of it. He's beaten up, badly. He didn't look this way a couple days ago, what happened to him?

"At last, I'm free once more!" He wheezed, his voice is the same as mine! I aim my gun at his head.

"Not quite." I said to him. My other self looked up at me and looked rather surprised.

"Who are you? And why do you look similar to me?" My other self asks.

"No, who are you?" I ask him.

"It's classified." I put my finger on the trigger, "You will tell me before I put you out of your misery!"

"Alright! Alright! No need to be hasty, it's Lockdown." He said.

"No, my name is Lockdown." I lower my gun some, but my guard is still up.

"What dimension are you from?" I ask.

"What? I'm from THIS dimension! Why is there even another me?" My other self said.

"I'm not from here, now what do you want from Sky?" I hold my gun up again. He looks up at me with more surprise.

"How do you know about Sky?" He asked.

"That's classified, now answer my question!" I growl. My other self just chuckled.

"I have hell of a story to tell you." He said.

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