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Optimus POV

I go up to Sky's room to check on her. When I look in I see the little girl she saved earlier today, Elena was her name. She was laying next to Sky, must still be traumatized from her past experience.

I head back down to join the others.


I wake up to seeing Elena laying next to me, I totally forgot she was even there. 

"Elena, wake up." I nudge her a little. She turned over and looked at me, "Hi."

"Good morning." I said as I stretch out. Elena got out of the bed and heads downstairs. I get up and shift into today's outfit, a casual tank top and some shorts. It's gonna be at least 90 degrees out today, but it won't affect me or the Cybertronians in the house.

I head downstairs to see Jake with the kids, I haven't introduced him to them yet. But he also doesn't know that Lockdown is staying here, yet.

"Jake, there's another thing I haven't told you..." I trailed off.

"What would that be?" He asked.

"Uh, you'll find out later," I said. Just then I heard Lockdown and Predaking arguing, "Or now."

Jake looked at Lockdown and took a few steps back, "Why is he still here?"

Lockdown looked at Jake,

"I'm staying here for a while, not by my own choice I might add." He said.

"Alrighty then... Can I ask you something?" Jake asked.

"Do I have to answer?" Lockdown asked.

"You're not interested in killing us, are you?" Jake asked nervously.

Lockdown crossed his arms,

"Depends on how you talk to me." He said. Jake then took several steps back.

"Well, while you talk, I'm going back down to the ship to see if I can find something to get the kids back to their time periods." I say as I head back upstairs.

"Sky! Please don't leave me alone with him! PLEASE!!" Jake shouted.

I hear Lockdown chuckle,

"I take it you're afraid of me." He said.

"Play nice, you two!" I shout down to them. I hear Lockdown groan in frustration, I giggle a little.

I head back to my uncles room to the bookshelf, I push the Eragon book back into place as the bookcase began opening.

This secret doesn't leave this house, ever. I start walking down the staircase when I notice that the light at the beginning of the hallway is off. When I get to the bottom, I check the light. It's just burned out, phew, I thought something was really wrong.

I walk down the hallway and into the ship. Still deserted, pretty much. I head down the way that I found the children, maybe there's something in that room that can help me.

I walk in to where those glass domes are, there's nothing else in there but the domes and control panel. I examine the domes and scan for anything present.

I got something, cryo gas particles. Evil Lockdown put these kids into a long term stasis lock, no wonder they're still alive.

But why did they wake up yesterday? It must have been the buttons on the control panel in the room with Evil Lockdown that I pushed. Maybe if I head back that way, I might be able to find which one it was.

I leave the room and head to Evil Lockdown's resting place. As I'm walking back, I notice another open door, I walk to it and gasp.

It's the room Evil Lockdown took me to, the one with the metallic chair. I'm not sitting in it, not ever again. At least by my own choice.

I leave the evil room as bad memories start coming back to me. I keep walking, trying to push the memories out of my head. I need to be strong, nothing will stop me from getting those kids home.

There's Evil Lockdown's room, I quietly walk in and go over to the computer. I look at the buttons that I might have pushed.

There's so many...

Blue buttons, green buttons, yellow buttons, purple buttons, orange buttons. There's a big red button, it must be really important.

I start pushing the other ones, nothing's happening. So I listen to the silence, still dead silent. Must not be important. Perhaps half of the buttons aren't functioning.

Then I heard something spark, in this room. I do a quick scan of the room, nothing's damaged. So that wasn't it, then what was it? Might have just been the panel sparking, but it came from behind me. Strange.

I turn back to the computer and keep searching through the files. There's something that says 'TOP SECRET' in Cybertronian, this I gotta see for myself.

I touch the file, it comes up with a password screen.

"Password required" it says. What kind of password would Evil Lockdown use? Uhhh...

"Decepticons" I say as I type it in. 'Denied'. Dang it.

"Autobots?" I type. 'Denied'. DAMMIT!

"Cybertron", nope. "Primus", nope. "Megatronus", nope. "Megatron", nope.
"Unicron", nope.
"Prime", nope. "Lockdown", nope. "Starscream", nope.
"Energon", nope.

I got one more idea, if it doesn't work, I give up.

"Sky Trance." My own name.

Password accepted. Oh my god...

Then there's a hand on my shoulder. I freeze in place, I don't know who it is.

"That's classified information." A voice said.

Uh oh, I think I know what the sparking was. I slowly turn my head towards the berth, nothing there.

I'm in serious trouble right now. I'm turned around by who's behind me, his forest green optics stare into my blue optics.

Evil Lockdown has awakened.

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