Decepticon Contact

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The portal closed, I turn back towards the bots.

"And that my friends and sparkmate, is how you get rid of Lockdown's evil self." I said.

"Since. When. Can. You. Do. That?" Bumblebee asked.

"Uh, I told you that I went into Transformers Prime. That's how I got there, touching a tv screen and a portal appearing." I explained.

"Transformers what??" The slightly better Lockdown asked.

"Where do you think I came from?" Predaking said to him.

"Anyway, what happened? Like with Evil Lockdown?" I ask.

"I was about to come up and see you, then suddenly the Lockdown from this dimension came in and shot us with some strange gun." Optimus answered.

"Jerk." I mutter. I look back at the Minions movie, and there's Evil Lockdown standing in front of hundreds of minions. I feel bad for the Minions, oh wait, give it a second...

"BOSS!!!!" They cheered. OH MY GOD! I start laughing really hard, this is too hilarious!

"Stay back you little freaks!" Everyone else gives a snicker or two.

"He won't last five minutes." I said while still laughing.

Just then my parents and Jake came rushing in, seeing us all.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? What happened?" Mom asked. I point to the TV screen showing Evil Lockdown and the minions.

"Evil Lockdown tried harming us all, and I sent him into the minions movie." I said with a giggle.

"Oh my god..That was just wrong!" Jake started to laugh.

"I think it was humorous." Lockdown said. My parents glare at Lockdown, aw jeez. He noticed them glaring, but he just shrugged it off.

Time Skip: Morning

What a night last night, but at least I don't have to worry about Evil Lockdown anymore. For real this time. The bastard, but the Minions can keep him company, hee hee.

I'm thinking about going down to the ship again, only to see how Evil Lockdown managed to escape. I get up out of bed and start going down the hallway towards my uncles room.

"Sky? Where are you going?" A voice came from behind me, I turned my head to see Predaking.

"I'm going back down to the ship to see how alternate Lockdown got out." I say.

"Not without either Optimus or me you're not." Predaking crossed his arms.

"Alright Dad, let's go." I said sarcastically. Predaking just rolled his optics and started to follow me. We enter my uncles room and I start looking for Eragon.

It's not there.

"Um, that could be a problem." I said.

"What could be a problem?" Predaking asks.

"The normal way this thing opens is by using a book, and that book ain't there." I kept scanning the shelf for the Eragon book.

Then I notice that the bookshelf was crooked, this thing has been forced open. I see a small opening on the right side, Evil Lockdown must've tried to put it back in place when he came up. He didn't do a great job of it.

"Hey Predaking, can you help me with this?" I grab the side of the bookcase and try pulling. Predaking grabs the side as well and helps it open up just enough that we could just get through.

Predaking went down first, overprotective much?

5 minutes later....

We're now inside the ship, this place still gives me the creeps. But I got a Predacon King with me, how awesome is that? We headed to the room where Lockdown tortured his other self, and where I had my blood drawn.

I went in to see the same chair I sat in completely mangled, like a wild animal trying to bust it's way out.

"Whoa...." I said.

Predaking came in and saw the same thing, "By the Allspark, it looks more like I was here and had a bad day."

I giggle.

"There's one more thing I need to do before we go back up." I said.

"And that would be?" Predaking raised an eyebrow.

"To Evil Lockdown's room!" I run out of the room towards my destination.

"Sky!" Predaking came chasing after me. I'm being chased by Predaking, my life has gotten so weird since I became a Prime.

I enter Evil Lockdown's room, still the same as I remember it. The supercomputer still in working condition, I walk over to it and start going back to the 'Top Secret' file.

Predaking came barging in a few seconds later, "Sky, don't just run off like that!"

"I told you where I was going." I said, trying hard to keep a straight face. I found the file again and typed in the password, my own name.

The file opened, showing everything there was about me. My favorite songs, colors, foods, everything. Talk about a fricking STALKER! Predaking and I stood there, speechless.

Then a loading bar suddenly came up, it said 'Incoming Transmission'.

"What did you press?" Predaking asks.

"I didn't press anything!" I held my hands up in surrender.

"Then, someone or something is trying to contact the other Lockdown..." Predaking said in realization.

Uh oh, I think I made a HUGE mistake coming back here. The screen came up, showing the entities that I've hated with all my heart. With their red evil optics staring into my soul, I can't help but stare back at them. Predaking did as well.

The Fallen, Megatron, and Starscream were looking directly at me, almost as if I were their prey.

Yes! I finally had an idea for this! Thanks for being patient and waiting for this part, it's finally here! I'm sorry, I've just been having the worst case of writers block for this story. But it's finally here! The next chapter will be up sooner, I promise! :D

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