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Evil Lockdown stood in my bedroom doorway, I can see the injuries from when normal Lockdown tortured him. He stepped in and closed the door behind him, and locked it. I stare at him as he stared back at me.

"Here you are." Evil Lockdown said. I sit straight up.

"How did you get out?" I ask nervously. He chuckled evilly.

"It's my ship, I know all its secrets." He said.

"Where are the others?" I ask, kind of angry.

"They're unharmed. But I didn't say that they're conscious." He pulled out the same gun he used before on me, I hear it powering up. Oh no.

"Either come peacefully, or I'll shoot you like I did before." Evil Lockdown aimed the gun at my chest. I got a plan.

I stand up and do nothing.

"That's what I thought." He said as he put his gun away and came towards me. Take a real good guess at what I'm gonna do, he then grabbed my arm.

Now I'm downstairs in the media room, there's everyone on the floor unconscious. I run over to them and shake Optimus hard.

"Optimus! Wake up!" I whisper. He didn't stir, I tried the others. Nobody woke up. I check their spark rates, they're still pulsing. They're okay, thank Primus.

I hear Evil Lockdown coming down the steps, crap!!

"Where are you Sky? I know you're down here." I heard him say. I get up and quickly dart down the hall before he sees, there's the way to the basement!

I quietly open the door, but then it creaks.

"Ah ha!" Evil Lockdown said. But I'm not going down there. I quickly go back to the media room and keep quiet, I heard the basement door creak, and Evil Lockdown went down.

I got an amazing idea! I can make Evil Lockdown think that there's an army of Minions in the house! It's actually the Minions movie, the yellow guys. I quickly open the DVD player and take out Star Wars, Jake must have been watching this earlier.

Found the minions disc! I put it in the DVD player and push play. I skip to where the most minions are, talking and laughing and cheering. My plan is apparently working, I hear the other Lockdown coming up the basement stairs. I use this time to hide behind one of the chairs, the basement door creaked.

"KEVIN!!" The tv said. The minions were cheering and laughing.

"Kevin?" I heard him say. I try my absolute best not to laugh. Lockdown said Kevin! Come on, that's funny! I just got another idea.

"In here!" I say in my best Stitch voice.

"Who are you?" I heard Evil Lockdown growl.

"My name Stitch! I have army in the house, leave before you hurt!" I say.

"An army doesn't scare me!" I heard him come towards the media room, I duck back behind the chair. Evil Lockdown walks in with a frown on his face, he looks over the Cybertronians in the room. He simply stepped over them all. I slowly sneak up behind him, then I tap his shoulder. He turned around.

"SURPRISE!" I kick him in his chestplate and he stumbled backwards. I then heard someone groan, I turned and saw Optimus start to wake.

"Optimus!" I said excitedly. Optimus opened his eyes and looked at me, then to Evil Lockdown. I run towards him, but I feel a metal hand grab my arm and pull me backwards.

"Hey!" I yell. Then an arm wrapped around my neck.

"Let her go now!" Optimus said angrily as he got up.

Just then the other Cybertronians started to wake up. Evil Lockdown looked rather surprised, he must've thought that they would have been out longer.

"You heard my sparkmate, let go of me!" I sass. But Evil Lockdown's arm tightened around my neck.

"Shut up." He told me. Everyone started getting up, and they all looked freaking MAD. I elbow him in the gut and he lets go, I quickly touch the screen and a portal appears. I stand in front of it, then I stick my tongue out at the evil Lockdown.

"Nah nah nah nah nah!" I mocked. He growled angrily and charged towards me, and I sidestepped.

Evil Lockdown went through the portal.

Yes! Finally! A new chapter in this book! I'm soooo sorry! Writers block took over and I had no ideas, but here's a new chapter! Hope you like it!

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