They're Watching

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"Uhhhh......" I just stare at The Fallen and his two minions on the screen. They all just kept their optics on me, it's really unsettling. Predaking cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Who are you three?" He asked with a growl.

"Where is Lockdown?" Megatron asks.

"He's in a movie, the dude ain't coming back anytime soon." I said. The Fallen just kept his eye on me, the creep!

"Why do I feel like I know who are?" The Fallen asks me.

"I've never seen you before in my life, and you've never seen me I'm sure of that." I said nervously.

The thingies on the side of his face moved very slightly, almost as if he was agitated or he was thinking. I look away from his strawberry red eyes, they're really creepy.

"Human." Starscream said.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"How dare you?!" Starscream exclaimed.  Predaking gave a small chuckle at that one, so did Megatron.

"I'll only ask one more time, who are you three?" Predaking asked again.

"Predaking...these aren't the guys to mess with..." I whispered to him.

"You know who they are?" He asks.

"Excuse us for a moment!" I grab Predakings arm and drag him out of the room.

"Predaking! Yes I know those three: The Fallen, Megatron and Starscream!" I whispered.

"Megatron and Starscream?!" He whispered loudly. I shush him.

"Yes! They're from this dimension, don't say my name in front of them. They're after me, but they don't know what I look like. The Fallen's suspicious though, don't say anything that might trigger them." I hiss.

"Understood." Predaking whispered back. I take a deep breath and we both head back inside the room.

"Oh look at the time, we gotta go. BYE!!" I search frantically for the end call button.

"Wait a minute, I know exactly who you are." The Fallen said. I flinch, preparing for the worst.

"No you don't." I replied.

"Sky." He said in a deep voice.

I swear my spark just stopped pulsing. I turn around and look for an invisible person, I look back at the Fallen.

"Who me? My name isn't Sky, who names their child Sky?" I act out.

"You're not fooling us." Megatron growled.

"My name isn't Sky, it's Angela." I keep my nervousness on the down low.

"You think we couldn't hear you talking? Stop acting." The Fallen demanded.

"What do you want from her?" Predaking asked angrily.

"Her powers." Starscream replied. I flinch again, I've unlocked only four out of six. But Predaking has no idea about my abilities.

"I'm sure there's a misunderstanding, Sky has no powers." Predaking argued.

I finally found the hang up button!

"GOTTA GO, BYE!!!" I slammed my fist down on it and the three Decepticons went off the screen. I grab Predaking's arm, then I teleport back upstairs in my room. The look on Predaking's face was priceless.

"Sky, since when could you teleport?" His voice was shaky.

"Since Lockdown tried sparkbonding with me." I said simply. Predaking looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"We can't tell anyone else about that, okay?" I whisper.

"Just between us." Predaking whispered back.

Creator POV (I still dunno who they are... One of them)

Why hasn't Lockdown returned with the new Prime? He should have returned by now, he's one quick to find and capture. But not now, which is strange.

"Why hasn't Lockdown returned?" One of my brothers asked.

"I don't know, but perhaps this Prime is very clever." I think out loud.

"Let's check on his progress." Another brother said.

I project a holographic image of Lockdown's current location, we've never really thought about this because he's so fast. He's leaning against a white wall when four human children run past him, giggling.

"This is torture." Lockdown mumbled to himself.

"He's not doing anything." I said to myself.

Then the new Prime walked up to him, arms crossed. She looked rather angry.

"I need to talk to you, NOW." She said firmly. Lockdown gave her a small smirk.

"About?" He said carelessly.

"What you tried to do with me. I've seen you do some pretty bad things and not care, but trying to sparkbond with me when I already have with Optimus was probably the worst!" She said angrily.

"You should know me better by now, Sky." Lockdown's smile widened.

"You listen here: Try that again, and I will personally rip out your spark and use it as dog toy." She threatened him.

"Would you really?" He asked with a scoff.

"Do I look like I'm kidding? Don't forget that there are 6 other Cybertronians in this household, and one of them is a Predacon." Sky said with a very angry tone.

"Whatever you say." Lockdown looked off in the other direction.

"So it's more like he's being kept there by force. It also seems he is fond of the new Prime." I say, somewhat irritated.

"Who should we send to retrieve both him and the new Prime?" My brother spoke.

"I know just the one..." I say deviously.

Yeah!! I've updated 3 stories in 2 days! Woo! I'm rather proud of myself, but the only reason I've had time to update is cuz I'm really sick... It sucks, but at least I was productive! Hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Dun dun dun

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