Almost forced

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"What are you doing? Let go!" I try to pull my arm from his grip, but he isn't letting go. Lockdown then pulled me close to his chest, this went from 0 to 100 real fast.

"Whoa, whoa. What the hell are you doing?" I ask while pushing away from him. He put his other hand on my back, THIS IS GETTING WEIRD!!!

"Ever sparkbonded before?" Lockdown asked. OH NO, he's going to try it with me!! But I already have with Optimus!

"Actually, yes. I have! With Optimus." I said. Lockdown just huffed.

"I don't really care, you're bonding with me." He said. NO NO NO NO NO!!! NOT HAPPENING BUSTER!!! I would try to push away, but he's a lot stronger than he looks.

Lockdown ran a finger over my chest, and I shiver with disgust. I can feel that! Even with my clothing armor, it feels like he's going over my skin when I was human!

I feel my chest plating starting to shift, NO! Control it! Seal! Seal! I feel it go back into place, phew. 

"Why do you resist?" He asked.

"One, you're not my type. Two, I've already sparkbonded with Optimus. Three, I don't like you. Should I keep going?" I ask annoyed.

"Don't care if you do." Said Lockdown. He ran his finger over my chest again, and I try my best to keep my spark sealed.

That's it, I push hard away from him. Then I'm suddenly outside at our pool. Wait, what the heck just happened? I was just in my room with Lockdown while almost raped or something, then I'm outside, what?

Wait, isn't one of my powers teleportation? I think I just teleported, but how? I see Optimus standing with my Dad, and they're looking at me.

"Sky, where did you come from?" Dad asked.

"I was just in my room, then poof! I'm here." I say while gesturing to my bedroom window.

"Must be one of your new abilities." Optimus said.

"More than likely. Wait! Aren't we supposed to go to DC today to see the President?" I ask, just remembering.

"Yes, if we want to be there on time, we should go now." Optimus said.

"Um, can I ride with you?" I ask. I have to tell him what happened with Lockdown and I, he needs to know.

"Of course you can, I'll gather the Autobots." Optimus went inside to get the rest of the boys, except Predaking and Lockdown. Predaking has been helping me take care of the kids, and he's growing rather attached to him.

I follow Optimus inside to get the bots. Then I see Lockdown coming down the stairs, and he's glaring at me. Now I feel really uncomfortable, I can't believe he would try something like that. He then shakes his head slowly, and I think I know what he means.

He's telling me not to tell anyone of the incident, I know his body language.

"Autobots, it's time to go." I heard Optimus say. It broke me from looking at Lockdown, I turn to see the bots coming towards us.

"Are you ready, Sky?" Optimus asked.

"Yeah, let's go." I say, catching another look at Lockdown. He was still glaring at me, and I quickly look away. Optimus looked at Lockdown too, then Lockdown looked away.

Optimus, the bots and I head outside to the driveway. The bots grow and turn to their alt modes, and Optimus opened his door for me. I slowly climb in and sit in the drivers seat, the door closed behind me.

Then I feel Optimus start up, and I hear the others start up too. Then Optimus started driving down the driveway, we've got a long drive ahead of us...

Time Skip: 1 hour

Ugh, we're stuck in traffic. Boring! I'm still thinking about what Lockdown did, trying to make me sparkbond with him. I shudder at that thought, and I think Optimus noticed.

"Sky, what's wrong?" I heard him ask.

"It's nothing." I mutter.

"I sense your nervousness." Optimus said. I look up at the radio.

"You do? How?" I ask.

"It's part of being sparkbonded, I sense your emotions and sometimes thoughts through our bond. And vice versa." He said.

Huh, I never knew that. Being married to Optimus is more amazing than I thought, I can easily tell him things in thoughts.

"So tell me what's wrong." Said Optimus. I sigh heavily.

"Okay. Lockdown tried sparkbonding with me." I said.

"What?" He said. I nod slowly.

"I was just leaving my room and he grabbed my arm, and wouldn't let go either. He then pulled me to closer to him, and he said 'Ever sparkbonded before?'" I explain.

"He didn't, did he?" Optimus asked with serious concern.

"Heck no, then I teleported outside to the pool. And then things played out nicely." I said.

"I'm just glad you did, I don't know what I would do if he succeeded in doing so." Optimus said.

"Neither would I." I say as I look out the window.

There's a minivan right next to us, and a kid my age in the passenger seat. He's blonde haired with brown eyes, he looks up at me. I wave, and he looks at me strangely.

Well, seeing a teenage girl in the drivers seat of a semi truck without touching the steering wheel would look a little weird.

He then looked at Optimus, then his eyes widened. Realization kicking in yet? He then took a picture on his phone of me and Optimus. Even if I didn't look at him, he would still have taken a picture of us.

The traffic finally started moving, DC here we come.

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