Third form

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We got home about fifteen minutes later. Stupid traffic, you'd expect it in the city, not the countryside. I got out of Optimus before he transformed. He stayed huge though.

"I think it's time that I teach you to change into your alt mode." He said.

Yay! I'm gonna be a muscle car! Speaking of muscles, my arms are toned. Have been since I chose my alt mode. But nobody's noticed. Eh, who cares?

"Cool!" I say.

"First, you must be in Prime form." Optimus said. Sounds easy enough. I start concentrating on my Prime form, growing included.

My plating moves into place as I see my house starting to seem small in comparison to me. I'm good now.

"That's covered. Now kneel down so you don't damage yourself when you change." Said Optimus.

I do as I'm told. I don't want to damage either the driveway, the house or myself.

"Okay, now what?" I ask.

"Concentrate on your alt mode." He makes it sound easy. I close my eyes and see the Lamborghini Veneno.

With a red paint job and blue flames on the hood. Sweet!

Time skip: 30 minutes

Jake and the others came out and watched me trying to transform into my alt mode. I block them out.

I feel my gears start whirring and moving. Took me long enough! Almost a half hour.

I feel the driveway under my wheels. There's a Lamborghini in the driveway. I AM the Lamborghini!

"I did it!" I say excitedly through my radio. Now all I gotta do now it learn how to drive myself.

"You did good on your first try, Sky. I'm very impressed." He said.

"My sister's a Lamborghini, wow..." Said Jake. I started laughing.

"I bet you're jealous, huh Jake?" I mock him. Jake smirks and walks towards me. He opens the door to my drivers seat and gets in.

"What are you doing? I'm going to drive myself." I said.

"Hey, I've never been inside a Lamborghini before. You have." He said. That is true, I've riden inside of Lockdown and Jake hasn't. But he's lucky for that.

"Touch anything and I'll shock you. I already found that feature." I warn. Jake looked around a little then got out.

"Alright, now how do I drive?" I ask. I'm eager to get on the road.

"What you would normally do to drive. Shift it to 'drive' and go. It's like your person is driving." Said Optimus.

So I just pretend that I'm driving the car as a human? Alright. I shift myself into drive and slightly push the pedal. I start moving.

I'm driving myself!! This is so cool!!!

"I'm doing it!" I squeal through my radio. I slowly go down the driveway to the road, with Optimus behind me. This is going to be interesting.

Actually, my mom needs some more coffee, and she's at work. I'll lighten the load for her, I'll get her the coffee she likes.

"Optimus, I actually have an errand I need to run. Wanna come?" I ask.

"Yes, I'll come. I need to make sure you pass all the tests as well." I know he means like 'Will I be alright to drive myself alone?' test.

"Sounds good. Follow me, I know where to go." I said.

Time skip: 20 minutes

We arrive at the store. I think I did pretty well for my first time driving as a car. I already figured out how to activate my holoform.

I park near the entrance. My holoform looks exactly like my normal self. Well, my new normal self. Blue eyes, red and blue hair.

Optimus parked right next to me. Our holoforms got out of our vehicles. I can see everything normally as I did in human form. We walk into the store.

I look around until I find my moms coffee beans, Chocolate silk. I don't know how she likes it, I know that I can't stand it.

Optimus walked a little way down the aisle while I picked up the coffee. I turn around and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sor-" I look at who it was. Another kid who picks on me, Vince.

I know his name is the same as the bully Jack dealt with in Transformers Prime, I think it's kinda strange.

"What's a girl like you doing in here?" He said. I just look the other way, towards Optimus. Optimus looks towards us and started walking towards me.

"Who are you?" Vince asked.

"I am Orion Pax. I would appreciate it if you left Sky alone." Peaceful solution, that's the Optimus I know.

"Why should I?" Vince said cocky. I stood in front of Vince.

"Because if you don't, I'll beat you to a pulp." I hold up my fist. He doesn't know he's talking to a solid hologram.

"You don't scare me." He laughed and crossed his arms. I punch him in the gut and he fell to his knees, holding his stomach.

I kneel down,

"Scared now?" I say. He slowly got up and walked away, not without glaring first. I smirk as he walked off.

"Well, you handled that." Optimus said.

"Yes, I did." I say proudly.

I paid for my moms coffee and we left the store. It felt good standing up to Vince like that.

We walk back to our vehicle forms and our holoforms disintegrate. I love being a car! I start up shortly after Optimus, we pull out of the parking lot into the road.

My windows are tinted, no one can see that there's no driver in my seat. But just to be safe, I activate my holoform.

Time skip: 20 minutes

We finally got home. I transform into my Prime form first, then my human form. That's gonna take some getting used to.

Optimus shrinks again. I can't believe they didn't do that in the movies. We walk around the back to see Jake in the pool.

The bots are just sitting a few feet away from the water. They turn towards us.

"They're back!" Said Hound.

"How was your first drive as a vehicle?" Jake asked.

"It was cool!" I say.

I'm going to like being in vehicle form. But I'm not sending my holoform to school. I wanna be there in person, just because I can.

If Lockdown came to Our WorldWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt