Escaping Planet ?

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The numbness effect wore off and I start to pull myself up. Legs still got a numb feeling, I fell to a knee. I take a deep breath and stand up, actually keeping my balance. I look up at the Creators, and I'm gonna let em have it.

"You three had to pick NOW to do this?!?! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON IN MY LIFE!!! The Fallen, Megatron and Starscream are after me in my world and now I have to deal with YOU THREE IDIOTS?!?!" I shouted.

My voice echoed off the walls. Tarn, Kaon and Tesaurus looked really surprised at my outburst. Well, Tarn just has a mask as his face and I can't really tell with him.

"And another thing: Lockdown was trying to sparkbond with me but then Nemesis Prime came and interrupted, only I THANK you for that. You will leave me, Optimus, the Autobots, my friends and family alone unless you wish to be dead!!!" I continued yelling.

"You're very feisty, that's admirable." Kaon said.

"I'm a 17 year old girl who was turned into a Cybertronian. The Autobots are welcome in my world, they were here once until the humans turned on them for NO GOOD REASON!!!" I emphasized the end.

"You are only a child, you have much to learn." Tarn said.

"I'm going home! And none of you are gonna stop me!" I turned around and started to open a portal back home.

Nemesis Prime got in my way, "YoU'rE nOt GoInG aNyWhErE, pRiMe."

"You may look like my sparkmate, but I know you're NOT!" I throw a punch at him.

But he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards
him, he put an arm around my neck. Okay, THAT DOES IT!!! I teleport behind him and do a Predaking move, the one where he kicked TFP Optimus in the Arctic and flipped while transforming. Only I don't transform. Nemesis Prime fell face first onto the metal floor, grunting as he did so.

"I wiiinnn..." I jump up and down. Nemesis Prime started getting up.

Then I spot an exit out of the throne room, ooooh!!! I gotta see the rest of this place!! I look at Nemesis Prime and then to the Creators.

"ADIOS!!!" I took off towards the exit at full speed.

"GET HER!!" I heard Tesaurus yell. But I was already out the exit and in the corridor, it's all nice and golden shiny.

I wish I could have time to see the rest of the place, but I'm being chased by probably Nemesis Prime or other guards. I turned my head to see huge guards like Lockdown's men chasing me, eh.

I don't know if I'm on a ship or on a planet, but I'm getting off this thing no matter what it is! I turn hard right into another corridor, then I turned left before the guards saw me. I hid behind that corners the guards passed without noticing me. After they passed, I run back the way I came.

But instead of going back to the throne room, I go straight. The corridor leads to a ship dock, there's all sorts of Cybertronian spacecraft. I even see Lockdown's ship here, I look up and see nothing but an evening starry sky. The sky is yellow and orange.

Yup, I'm on a planet. But which planet? It's kinda like Cybertron, but it's not at the same time. There's a gate surrounding the HUGE palace I was in, I see huge metal buildings in the distance, and lots of ships flying around.

"WHERE AM I????" I think to myself.

Anyway, I need to hijack one of these ships to get as far as I can away from the Creators and Lockdown as possible. I quickly run through aisles of spaceships and then, wait wait hold on.

There's STAR WARS SHIPS!!! I see X-wings, Y-wings, TIE fighters, Star Destroyers, I even see the Millennium Falcon!!! OH MY GOD!!!! I've always wanted to fly an X-wing!

There's a Resistance X-wing! I dash over to it and marvel at its beauty... Don't judge me, I'm a huge Star Wars fan! I climb up the side and open the hatch to the drivers seat. Too cool, too cool, TOO COOL!!!

"Stop fangirling Sky! You need to get out of here!" I tell myself mentally.

I sit down and buckle myself in, EEEEEE!!!! The hatch closed by itself, I look at all the buttons. Uhhhh.... Which one starts this beast?? I activate my armor quickly, my helmet hit my head with a 'thunk'. I push a red button, then an alarm sounds. ARE YOU FRICKING SERIOUS?!?!?!

The ship was starting up. I hit the right button, but then I see the guards coming out of the palace. They see my ship starting to go up and aim their guns at me, COME ON SHIP!! GO UP!!!

I grab the control thing and push it forward, the X-wing started flying. It took off like a fricking ROCKET. I feel the G-Force push me into the seat, it's really hard to move right now.

"Wow THIS THING CAN MOVE!!!!" I yelled to myself.

The X-Wing started going through the planet's atmosphere, but I'm not burning up. The ship starts shaking violently and I feel my teeth jittering. The atmosphere faded into a black and starry area, I'm now in space.

I look behind me to see a dark grey planet mixed in with some red, it's like the planet from Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith. But that's not the only trouble I see, I see the guards on ships similar to those in AOE flying after me. I'll play rough, I'm not going back there without a fight.

Shots were being fired at me, I control this thing to avoid being either killed or retrieved. Optimus, why did you have to leave me and Lockdown alone?

Optimus POV

We all arrived back at the house and went inside. As I entered, something felt wrong. I feel as if something bad happened, I need to check on Sky. I head up to her room to see if she's alright, I enter.

She's not here. Her sword lay on the floor as well as Lockdown's knife. Lockdown couldn't have taken her to the Creators, he would never leave a weapon behind. Someone else was here! But who?

I notice her television is on, showing something I never thought I would see. I see Sky in her armor while flying a ship unlike I've ever seen, and she's being chased by other Cybertronians.

"Sky! What's going on?" I ask. Sky looked around for me, probably realizing what's going on.

"Optimus! You're back! I'll explain what happened after I shake these guys off my tail!" She said.

"Is there anything I can do?" I ask.

"No, I'll be fine. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I love you." Sky said.

"I love you too." I say.

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