Back into Stasis

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Evil Lockdown stared at my clothing armor, scanning every detail. I just stand there and do nothing. He then looks into my eyes again.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He asked, and I say nothing. Evil Lockdown scowls as he jerked me,

"I'm not going to ask again, who are you?!" He shouted.

I give an angry look, "Why do you care?"

"Because this is a restricted area, who are you?" He asked again.

"Sky Prime." I said annoyed.

Evil Lockdown looked confused as he looked off to the right.

"Sky Prime? That's very similar to-" he stopped, then looked back at me, "Sky Trance." I smile.

"Took you long enough," I say as I knee him hard in the gut. He stumbled backwards, holding his abdomen. He eyed me with hateful optics.

"How is this possible? You're supposed to be nine years old!" Evil Lockdown snarled.

"That 9 year old is now 17. You've been in stasis for eight years, and now, I'm gonna take you down." I unsheathed my blue and red blade as I shift into my armor.

Evil Lockdown stared, then started to laugh evilly.

"So that's what you're capable of, along with your other abilities." He said darkly.

Other abilities? I only have memory altering and dimension travel, nothing else.

"Other abilities?" I ask.

"You don't know your own abilities, pathetic. You have teleportation, telekinesis, dimension travel, memory altering, levitation and flight. I know more about you than you know about yourself." He added.

"How do you know all of this?" I ask.

"Classified." He said simply.

I can't believe this, I have 4 other powers I never knew about? Interesting. I look back at Evil Lockdown, then charge him.

He put his guard up as I swung my sword. It made contact with his arm, which is now bleeding Energon. Evil Lockdown grunted and glared at me.

He then took out some type of gun, and aims it at me.

"Lights out, Trance." Evil Lockdown pulled the trigger, the blast hit me square in the chest.

My energy leaves my body as I feel myself fall and hit the floor. My vision is fading in and out, I barely see him stand over me as my vision went black.

Optimus POV

Something doesn't feel right. I haven't seen Sky in a few hours, where is she? I see Jake talking to Hound, he might know where she is.

"Jake, do you know where Sky went? I haven't seen her in a few hours." I said to the juvenile male.

"She said something about going back down to the ship to look for something to get these kids home, haven't seen her since." Jake said.

She went back down to the ship, but she should have been back by now. Sky might have gotten hurt! I need to get down there now. I go up to that room that lead down to the ship.

I look for the same thing that Sky pushed back into place. I found it, the wall started opening. When the wall opened completely, I started walking down the staircase.

A few minutes later, I'm at the beginning of the dark corridor. I need to find Sky quick.


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