Going back in Time

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I gotta lose these goons! It's like a Savannah big cat hunt: I'm a wildebeest and they're the pride of hungry lions! What? I watch a lot of Animal Planet, animals are awesome. We're venturing deeper out into space and far away from the planet I was taken to.

Why is there Star Wars in this dimension? I dunno, but it's useful! More shots were being fired at my X-wing, I keep avoiding them. For a first time pilot, I'm pretty good! And I'm just winging it, haha winging.

I accidentally pushed a green button, oh Primus what's going on.

'Hyperdrive engaged: prepare to jump in 5 seconds.' A male voice said.

"OH JEEZ!!!!" I yelled.

I saw the stars turn into lines as the X-wing took off at the speed of light. I closed my eyes as it took off, then I felt like I was going normal speed. I opened my eyes and saw I was in like a blue tunnel, it's soooo pretty.

"Optimus, I did it!!!" I cheered.

"I'm glad you're alright." I heard his voice.

"Me too. Do you know the name of that planet?" I ask.

"No I don't." Optimus said.

The hyperdrive ended, I was now flying straight for Earth. I can see Tessa, Shane and Cade again! They're probably back in Texas, I'll just go there. North America is in my sights!

I start slowing down tremendously as I entered the atmosphere, I don't need to burn up. This is probably one of the most exciting moments of my life, other than my adventure in this world when I was still human.

I made it past the atmosphere and I'm headed straight for Texas, I see houses and stuff starting to appear very slowly. Let's see.... I look for Cade's old farm, it's more than likely where he's gonna be where he built his old house.

I think it would be easier if I had Cade's number so I could just ask where he is. But then I see Cade's old farm, and boy is it different! I see a large red house along with the barn fixed up. I see Cade's pickup truck down there, maybe I should land here.

I push a few buttons and the X-wing started to descend, I unbuckle my seatbelt and felt the X-wing land. I saw Cade, Tessa and Shane come out of the house, I popped the hatch and stretched my arms.

"SWEET OXYGEN!!!" I said excitedly to be back on a planet where I can actually breathe.

I had to hold my breath on that other planet. I climb out of the drivers seat and felt the grass below me, it feels normal unlike the metal ground on planet unknown. I'm calling that.

"Sky?" Cade asked.

"Yeah?" I stretched some more, hearing my parts popping.

"Where did you come from?" Shane asked.

"Up there." I pointed at the sky.

"Be more specific." Shane had a hint of annoyance.

"The antagonist of this plot line tried to make me his sparkmate but was interrupted by the opposite of my current sparkmate, he took me through my entertainment center and into a palace on an unknown planet. I escaped with the power of this Rebel Resistance X-Wing from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Was that specific enough?" I ask smartly.

They all looked at each other in union, utterly confused.

"So what you're saying is: Lockdown was interrupted by evil Optimus, took you to the Creators, and you barely escaped with your life?" Cade asked.

"Pretty much." I said.

"Why didn't you just say it like that?" Tessa asked.

"He said 'be more specific'." I smiled.

"Smart." Shane grumbled.

"Anyway, how are you guys?" I ask.

"Well it's been as normal as it can get." Cade said.

"Good." I say.

"What about you, Sky?" Tessa asked.

"It's been freaking CRAZY." I rub my head.

"How crazy?" Cade asked.

"Crazy enough to where I wanna go to an insane asylum." I answer.

"Wow." Shane said.

"I told you I would be back to visit, but I'm afraid if I stay too long they'll find me and you'll all be in danger." I said.

"Understandable. Good to see you though." Cade said.

"Good to see you guys too, I gotta go!" I jumped back into the X-Wing and started it up.

The ship started to fly as I waved to them, they waved back. I flew away into the Texas sky. I focus on a portal back home, and there it is! I fly straight for it, home here I come!! I fly through and notice something, I'm not back home.

I see the city of Chicago from Transformers: Dark of the Moon. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?! Did I just go into the past? I was supposed to go back home! To Maryland! Not Illinois! The Decepticons ships spotted me, they start to give chase.

"AW SHIT!!" I yelled as I sped up.

I am so screwed right now!! Wait, I'm in a Star Wars X-Wing. Where are the awesome blasters?! I search for anything that I can use to fight back against the Cons, and I think I just found it. I'm about to push the button when I get shot down.


Thank goodness I'm in my armor! I opened the hatch as fast as I could as my X-Wing plummeted towards my certain doom, then I jumped at about a hundred feet.

"AAAAAAAAAHHH!!" I screamed.

My X-wing crashed before I did. I hit the ground back first, leaving a huge crater in the ground. That actually didn't hurt all that bad, but I'm pretty sore. Now my Star Wars X-wing is now totaled, THANKS A LOT DECEPTICONS!!! You know what? I actually haven't had to really deal with Decepticons in real life, unless Lockdown counts.

"Ow...." I sat up slowly, holding my helmet.

Now I gotta get out of this crater, it's about ten feet deep, this will be fun. I jumped up and gripped the concrete leading into this crater, but the dirt is making me slip. Why can't I unlock flight or levitation right about now?!?! WHY PRIMUS WHY?!

Something grabbed my hand like a skill crane and pulled me out, I yelped as I was lifted thirty feet off the ground. I look up into the whiny second in command's red optics, oh no...

"Hey...Starscream...Can you let go now?" I ask nicely.

"You're not like the other humans, you're entirely made of Cybertronian metals." Starscream looked me over.

"Thank you Captain Obvious." I said sarcastically.

"Perhaps Megatron would be pleased with this find." Starscream said.

"Gaseous Sycophant!" I hissed.

"Aren't you a smart little femme?" Starscream chuckled.

"No, I'm a smart little girl." I smiled.

"Megatron will be rather surprised to see you." Starscream grinned.

I'm a dead girl.

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