Part 3

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Oh my god guys. I have left months between updates (which I apologize for) and I come back to see I have 200,000 reads. I never thought I'd get this far. Thank you all so SO much for being so supportive and thank you for those of you who have read since the beginning. So much love for you all.

Again, I'm incredibly sorry for the lack of updates. Life has been busy lately. But here I am, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Comment what you think of it and don't forget to vote :)


Dear Mom, Logan, Gerad, Gwen, and the twins,

I hope you are all well. Dad and I miss you tons back here at the palace, but we're sure you're having a blast in Britain! I've been seeing news articles about "the new king and queen of Britain"- Gerad and Gwen, you are doing an amazing job ruling. And Logan and Ashlyn, you too. Dad and I are doing a good job keeping our country in good shape too, don't you worry. There hasn't been a rebel attack in a long time and the people seem content.
The hallways seem so quiet here, it's quite weird. I'm so used to hearing the twins screaming and Gwen chasing them down the halls when they don't want to go to bed. And Gerad and Logan play fighting- oh, and Mom and Dad giggling and laughing as they retreat to their room for the night. Now that you're gone, I realize how much I loved the noise. 
Today is a big day here at the palace. It's the official start of my selection! I meet the thirty-five suitors today. It's nerve-wracking. I feel like I'm going to forget all the names of the suitors before I have to meet them... that would be a disaster. But overall, I'm excited for the experience. I wish you all could be here to experience it with me.

This is for Mom alone.
Hi Mom. I really miss you and I really need your guidance for how to deal with guys. The last boyfriend I had... well, you know that didn't end well. I don't know how to find love in a group of strangers. I'm kind of scared. But anyways, that's not what this is about. This is about you and Dad. He's been stressed a lot more lately, especially when your name comes up in conversation. Every time I say your name he tenses up and closes his eyes before responding. I'm putting the pieces together- you must've gone to Britain without his approval. Maybe even a fight was involved. When you come home, you have to fix it. You love him and he loves you. Nothing can get in the way of that. You two are my inspiration, my hope that I can find true love. You have to fix it. I love you, and miss you. Hope you are doing well in Britain.

For Gerad and Logan-
I never thought I'd say this, but it's pretty lonely around here without you two idiots. Well, I guess it won't be when thirty five strange men come to the palace today. It's not the same without you. Miss you tons, come visit soon.

For Gwen-
I miss you, sister! With only Dad home, I have no one to do makeup with and choose dresses with. After growing up with two brothers, it was nice to have someone like that. You make an amazing queen though, and I hope one day I can rule just as fairly and elegantly as you. Say hi to the twins for me.

Write and visit soon. I can't wait to hear from you.


I put down the pen and stretch my hand. The words were not easy to write; it was difficult to transfer my emotions onto paper. Folding the paper, I take a deep breath and look at the clock. 2:45. Perfect timing- the suitors are here and almost ready for me to meet.

Just thinking about the suitors makes my heart race. One of these men will be my husband, and the future king of Illéa. My thoughts twist into worries about choosing the wrong man, but I remember my father's warning. Don't get too caught up in the what-ifs. Have faith in yourself.

As I slide the letter into an envelope, I hear the door open behind me. I turn around to see Paige in the doorway.

"Miss, the suitors are almost ready to meet you. It's time for you to go speak with them." Her voice is soft and smooth, never wavering. I hope I sound like that when I talk to the suitors for the first time today.

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