Watery eyes

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Blair Pov

Rihanna and I went back down to New Jersey to check up on Bria since she was feeling very low.

"Man, why do I always get hurt. First man I dated, gave up on me when times got rough and now the first man I married didn't really wanna marry me. My love is taken for granted and my time has been wasted." Bria cried. Rihanna and I just hugged her tighter.

I feel bad for her, she loved that man and he did her dead wrong. August did her wrong too. The shit that they did to her would make a girl go gay.

"I was here every fucking day, taking care of our kids. Making sure dinner was cooked for him, just to find out he not even coming home til late. I trusted him, I truly believed he was at concerts or in the studio. He been fucking with that girl the whole time, now she fucking pregnant. I'm hurt and he don't even care. I just can't believe I married someone who didn't want to be with me, I should have read between the lines."Bria said wiping her tears.

Minutes later, Justin comes walking in the house with Jade and Jada sleep in his arms. "Bria come upstairs, I need to talk to you. " Bria looked at us, we nodded at her and she got up and followed him.

"Should we be nosey or not?"Rihanna asked."Nah, we'll give em privacy."I said. Rih was nervous about her as much as I was.

Bria Pov

I followed him as he put the girls to bed. I followed him to our room and he sat on the bed. He patted the bed for me to sit down next to him. I sat next to him and he grabbed my hand.

"Bria you know I love you, I love you more than anything. You're the mother of my kids. It's just I can't do this no more. Yea I married you cause my parents told me to, but a part of me married you in hopes we could renew our love. And I know you still had a feeling about me cheating ever since that day You told me you was pregnant. I just can't deal with the fact I'm still competing with August , when I'm the one who's married to you. Throughout our marriage you always compared me to him and he makes you smile more than I ever could. It just felt like you don't love me no more, you wasn't trying to build a relationship with me, you was just staying with me cause You was held back by your vows. I met Selena and she just gave me more attention and we just connected. I'm sorry Bria'Marie." He took out some paper.

It was divorce papers. Seeing that had me crying all over again.

With watery eyes,I looked at him."You really wanna do this baby?"

He looked at me and nodded. He handed me a pen and I signed it.

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