Real One

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Bria'Marie Pov

We've been working on season 4 of Claws. This will be are last season is saddening but it was such a good experience. I enjoyed it, had fun, made new family. It really help me gain exposure. I have been guest starting in shows back to back. Really happy about my life now. Hardwork and patience finally paid off.

I went To Palmetto, FL and August had a performance at the Essence festival, so we left the kids back with my mother.

While on set, August texted me.

Text Convo

Big Poppa🥴🤤- I can't move

Me- What do you mean you can't move baby?

Big Poppa🥴🤤- I can't feel my fucking legs Bria

Me- Call the doctors

Big Poppa 🥴🤤- ok , I really wish you was here.

Me- Yea, everything gonna be alright, let me know what the doctors say.

Big Poppa 🥴🤤- ok

End of text convo

August just been getting sick a lot. This shit wasn't happening til we got married lol. God really testing this for better or for worse and for sickness and health. Not too long ago we find out he had an autoimmune disease that is attacking is liver. So he's been going through immune therapy. It has taken a toll on not only him , but us all. But he's a fighter I tell you.

I tried focusing on my scene, but I was just so worried about August. Hours passed and he messages me telling me his doctor admitted him into a hospital.

My set loves me so much they let us work on the all scenes I was in first so I can leave early.

I called for our jet and flew to New Orleans, 7 hours away. I spent most time just praying and tried to nap, but couldn't get comfortable.

It was 8pm when I made it to New Orleans. I still had to drive to the hospital, I was so tired.

When I made it there, his mom was there too, she had plans to go to the Essence Festival too.

August Pov

"Hey Ma." Bria said as she hugged My mom.

"Hey hun." My mom replied.

"Hey baby how you feeling?" She said giving me a kiss.

"Besides not being able to walk, I'm good." I replied.

"That's good I guess." She said.

"You flew all the way down here for little ole me." I said jokingly.

"Yep, thats on for better or worse, sickness and health."

"I know that's right." My mom said.

"Thank you baby, I appreciate it." I said kissing her hand.

Her and my mom started talking, catching up on things, until my doctor came.

"So what the problem is you're experiencing nerve damage in your legs, but no worries, we have a recovery process for you to get you up and ready. "

"Well ok then."I said as Bria went through her hair.

"Is my gray hairs showing yet?" I said to Bria."Nah, how bout mines?" She replied.

"You can dye em , I won't tell." I said as we chuckled at each other.
"A nurse will be coming with your medication, in a few."

"Alright,Thank you, sir." Bria and Ma said to the doctor.

Bria and I looked at each other and did our little song.

"If its not one-thing, its-a-nother. If its not one-thing, it's-a-nother." We rapped as she started beating on a table and we danced a little.

"Yal are so goofy." My mom said as she laughed at us.

"We gon be alright baby. Don't lose faith, I know you're a fighter." Bria said as she sat down.

She called her mom so we could talk to the kids, they got sad , and I accidentally told them how this was something hereditary and they got scared that it was gonna happen to them. So yea Bria's mad I said that. But she ended up falling asleep.

She must've been real tired, cause she fell asleep in the seat. She can never sleep in those chairs, she'll usually hop right in bed with me. But yea she was tired, she fell asleep with her phone in her hand, the video she was watching still running.

"She's a real one son, you married the right woman , she has always been there for you. Today she really left her job, flew 7 hours away, just to be here with you. If that's not love I don't know what is." My mom said as we looked at her sleep.

"You right ma, I'm so grateful." I said beforehand she got a call and stepped out.

Watching Bria'Marie  sleep, I started feeling real sad. I felt bad at that. Here she is always pausing her life for me and being there for me. But when she was almost on her death bed, I wasn't there . I let her down, turned my back on her, and cheated on her. I really don't deserve her.

That made me want to call Chris.

Phone Call

Chris- Aye Bro, whatsup, heard you was in hospital, hope all is well.

Me- Yea, I'm good thanks. I just wanted to call and thank you.

Chris- *chuckles* for what bruh?

Me- For always taking care of Bria. You was there for her when I decided not to be. You kept her going. I thank you. She's lucky to have you.

Chris-oh man no problem that's baby sis, you know I got you and your family.

Me- thanks man, its good knowing that if something happens to me, I'll know my family is in good hands.

Chris- We all we got, we're family bruh. I know you'd do the same.

Chris and I talked for a minute and after we got off the phone I woke Bria.

"Baby." I said.
She didn't respond, "Bria." I said.

"Bria'Marie!" I said before she jumped a little.

"Yes, baby." She said.

"Come get in bed." I said lifting the sheets.

She got up and laid on the side of me , resting her head on my chest , then went right back to sleep. I kissed her forehead and went through her hair, until I fell asleep myself.

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