Ready to Go(short chapter)

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August Pov

It was time for us to leave and go back home. Besides Bria and I problems, I had a good time. But before I left, I just wanted to talk to Jermaine privately.

"Aye let me talk to you for a minute." I said.

"Yea wassup,"he said as we walked outside to the balcony.

"Sorry for disrespecting ya man and to be honest with ya man, when I came here, my mission was to get Bria'Marie back, but it didn't work because she really loves you. Please love and take care since I can't. Treat her like the queen she is. Because you got yourself a perfect woman. Do what I didn't do, give her flowers every day, not just any flowers. Her favorites are orchids. White. She loves Reeses a lot, so whenever you go to to the store, don't forget to get one. Instead of doing things that will make her cry, spend every day thinking of ways to make her laugh. She has the most... amazing laugh. A laugh that will turn a frown upside down.....And please show the kids what it means to love someone and never leave them, because Justin and I didn't do so good with that. Just do better than I did."

Saying all this made me regret the way a treated her and took her for granted. Made me think if I were to do the things I'm telling him to do, we would have still been together .

"Aight man, I'll make sure I do so."he said. We shook hands and went back in.

"Ready to go home."he asked Bria."Yes baby." She said getting up. He held his hand out and she grabbed it and got up.

"Bye everyone." She said hugging everyone. She came to me and hugged me."That was nice what you said."

"Thanks."I said. She let go and went back to Jermaine. Before they left she looked back at me and I lightly smiled and said mouthed the words"I love you." She smiled and left.

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