Jade and Jada

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Jermaine Pov

Does it  hurt that Bria'Marie went straight to August after we broke up? Yea a little , but I expected it. And I can't lie I do feel they're meant for each other, they just click. He was just dumb, really dumb for that shit he did to her.

But I guess it's true love because they found their ways back together. 

Me on the other hand, I've been working towards adopting Jada and Jade. Bria was fine with it and appreciated it so much. The only thing was trying to reach Justin.

I don't actually have to get his consent since he's not in the picture, but I don't want him popping up saying he wants his kids back.

So all this day, I've been trying to reach him. Hasn't answered one call.

It lead to me just leaving him a text message.

The text said " Good Afternoon Justin, I've been trying to reach you all day. I just wanted to speak to you about Jada and Jade. I want to adopt them. It's known that I don't need your consent, but I still wanted it. So there's an understanding between us and there won't be any pop ups wanting them back. I don't mind you visiting tho."

After that text he called me immediately, cussing me out.

Phone Call

Justin- What the fuck bruh! You not bout to adopt my kids. I'm their fucking father motherfucker! You not with they stupid ass mama anymore, no need to play daddy anymore. Gone on with that bullshit. Them my seed. I'll come get them now !

Me- Watch who you talking to little nigga. I'll come beat ya ass now. I don't give a fuck if you're their biological father. You're just a fucking sperm donor, you don't deserve the title father. When your pussy ass left them. The girls don't even look at you as a father, they don't know you! They see me as their father so I'ma still be their father with or without Bria. They don't need nobody else walking out there life.

Justin- Man whatever. Do whatever the fuck ya want, but when I wanna see my kids, I want to see them.

Me- Fine by me

Justin- Yea whatever *hangs up*

End of phone call

I went back into my Attorney's office. The Adoption Petition I had in my hand were signed as soon as I sat down.Bria looked at me smiling as she carried the girls.

"Yay!" She said smiling at the girls . "Yaay" the repeated, clapping.

I got up hugging them all and kissing Bria's forehead.

That next week on Monday, we had the hearing. It was such an amazing moment. Everyone was there, my family, Bria's family, and friends. Also, Bria'Marie let me change their last name to mines.

This was one the best things I've done all my life. I am now the real father to Jade Justice Cole and Jada Jodi Cole.

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