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⚠️Trigger Warning: Topic is Rape⚠️

Blair Pov

Miguel and I are getting married, We're super happy about it. Tru is also, happy his parents are get married. I feel so happy about it, honestly. Michael makes me happy. I feel young and beautiful with him. He's very caring and he really is an amazing person. Kind to everyone he meets.  We've always matched even during that tough situation between us.

I was happy, just wanted everyone else to be happy for me. Of course, August, Bria, Chris, and Rih we're happy, but like my family and my fanbase couldn't understand why I'd want to marry my rapist. Its just so unfortunate that's how they'll see him.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not praising or making it ok. Being a rapist is not ok and it should never be promoted as something good, wrong is wrong. I will not make it into something that should be fantasized. Nor as something taken lightly. Michael And I do plan on speaking with the kids about the severity of it when they start wondering about intimacy with others.

"Do you wanna do this?" Michael asked.
"Yea." I said.

We went live, on Instagram to tell the news. Since when I posted my engagement ring people were upset and didn't understand why I'd marry him.

"Hello everyone." I said.

"Hey ." Michael said as the views started going.

"We just wanted to come here on live to set some things straight and answer questions ." I said.

"I love Michael a lot. I've never met anyone who matched my energy like he has. We have so much in common. We truly get each other. He's such an amazing person. I want to marry him. He's what my heart truly desires. He's the most sweetest, kindest, gentle, and caring person ever. Not only do I love him, my kids love him. Our son, is far excited about seeing his parents get married. We just wanted to clear the story up." I said as Michael looked at me with love.

"I can say the same, I love Blair so much. She's very special to me. She's my soulmate, the one meant for me. We click so well, we truly understand each other. She gets me, I get her. And we make each other happy, so why stop happiness?" Michael said before we read the comments.

Most comments asked, "Why did you rape her?"
And people also kept calling Michael a rapist..

"First and foremost , this is not a trait that Michael is defined by. This is nothing Michael is proud of or think is ok. It was a one-time incident, that he fully regrets. If a person drinks once and didn't like how it taste of the aftermath of it, doesn't make them an alcoholic." I said.

" What she said, I own up to my incident. I'm not proud of it and I feel terrible for my decision I made. But here's what happened. I was a young 19 year old boy, I did not know she was 17. But I was a Horny 19 year old at that, who never had sex before. A guy I associated with put in my head that I was gonna get laid that night. He gave me a pill to make sure it happens. I had no clue on what type of pill it was, uninformed and just wanting to get laid. My thought on it was that it'll make her horny. It'll make her wanna have sex. Like a libido enhancement. So that's when I met Blair. We were talking and we hit it off. She was so sweet, funny, and smart. The best conversation I ever had. We talked the whole time. There was like a whole connection. I didn't want to drug her, I was hoping I'd be able to get intimate with her, without the aid. Because I wanted it to be genuine. I was a tad bit drunk and she only had that one drink. I was hoping for drunk sex at least, like you're drunk, I'm drunk, careless sex, not we're drunk and I don't even remember having sex with you. But she carried herself with class. She set the conversation on how she wanted it to be and never let it detour to something sexual. Plus I felt she was out of my league so I wouldn't get a chance. So that's when I drugged her drink. My concept on it , it'll make her extremely horny and want to have sex with me, not make her unconscious. She became sluggish and I was holding her up, but yet she was still conscious at the time and explained how she felt weird. I didn't understand effects of the pill I gave her, but I felt she'll be pouncing on me and ready to sex me if we were alone. So I took her to a room. I kissed her and she kissed back, so I'm thinking it was consensual. By the time we became intimate she was still awake, but showed no signs of struggle,didnt say anything either, just moaned , I didn't think anything of it, because I was caught up in the moment,nor was I in the right mindset . I raped her. Once, I was done I felt completely bad because she was not moving, completely unconscious. It felt like she was a dead body. I wrapped her up in my jacket, made sure she was breathing, kissed her cheek and I left. Upset with myself and in denial that I Raped her. I tried to convince myself , well we kissed, she didn't say no ,and she was moaning so it wasn't rape, but who am I kidding . So I found the guy and he told me that , the pill was supposed to do what it did , so you can fuck whoever without the hassle. We fought after he said that. I went home and just like searched up about rape. Asking google, was what I did was rape. How to know it was consensual. Like once I fully understood I raped her, I hated myself. Angry with myself. How far I went to make sure I got laid. I tried to erase the whole thing from my mind. After that I just felt I should only be intimate with someone I am dating or married to and let them initiate it or just ask. Shit really fucked me up." Michael said as I comforted him, rubbing his shoulder and kissing it as he spoke.

"I'm not asking for pity, to be let off the hook, or making an excuse on why I did it. Rape is Rape and can't sound good no matter how you say it. I know it was wrong and I honestly wish I never did it."

"For me , I was just shocked, but thankful I was alive and not hurt. All I recalled was being naked wrapped in his jacket. I couldn't tell nobody this happened because I wasn't even supposed to be there at the party. So I had to pretend something traumatic for me didn't happen. Plus I was dating Chris at the time so I was scared to tell him. But like I just wanted an apology. And like he said, he wanted to erase the whole thing. So when I tried to reach out to him he blocked me. So I never got my sorry at the time. I handled my hurt on my own and no one knew. Then I got pregnant and was hoping it was Chris's. For some odd reason Our son looked like Chris, but the more he got older I started realizing yea this is Michael's son. I use to see him at the store with his wife at the time, but didn't want to revisit my past. Until it was revealed to everyone, thats when we spoke and he apologized and our friendship started from there and led us here. He's a great father to our son and he treats my kids like his own. We've had deep conversations about this once we started to date, I forgive him." I said as I held his hand.

A comment asked,"Does your son know how he got here🤔🧐?"

"Yes, we don't hide anything from the kids, the world isn't a fairytale, to hide some of the most hard truths. Our kids should be well aware of the world, so they know how to understand what's going on and how to handle it." I said as Michael nodded.

"Call it a crazy love story." Michael said.

"Do you fear he'll do it to you again ?" I said reading a comment.

"No not at all, whenever we're becoming intimate, I mostly am the one initiating it. We have sex .. great sex..just like regular couples do." I said.

"Now I'm gonna marry this woman in peace. " Michael said as he grabbed and kissed my cheek , which led us to making out.

Comments were like, "can't lie, they look perfect for each other, you can honestly see the love between them.", "I guess he gets a pass", "he's forgiven, seems like an honest immature mistake."

"Plus we've done a lot of making up for this situation, we're apart of the #metoomovement, we speak at seminars, and high schools. I talk to young girls, he talks to young boys, about the importance of consent, and what no to do." I said.

We were on live answering a few more questions, then we got off. My family became more forgiving and understood we loved each other. Finally on the same page as us.

Now, I'm ready to get married .

"No lie, y'all are the perfect couple. You both look in love. The way y'all look at each other and the energy yal emit makes your environment lovely." Bria said as we were both FaceTiming.

"You think so?" I said blushing.

"Girl yes." She said.

"I'm so excited ." I said cheesing hard.

"Me too, you're getting your fairytale ending. Love has no boundaries. Don't worry about what anyone says, only thing you should be thinking about is what makes you happy."

"Thanks Bria, I love you." I said.

"I love you too Blair." She replied smiling at me.

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