Welcome to Hogwarts

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Addie's P.O.V. 

      Izzy barked with laughter as I told her how I managed to explode a pie in the professor's office back in Durmstrang. "Wow, you are truly one heck of a prankster," she breathed, exhausted by the amount of laughter she exploded. After the jellybean fiasco ended, we had undoubtedly became closer, sharing our many exploits and history. 

      Izzy's father worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and her mother stayed at home, taking care of four children, including Izzy. Apparently, she was also a fellow mischief maker in the making, and I had the right mind to teach her a trick or two. 

     "Your real name is Adeline?" she asked incredulously, her eyes sparking with amusement. 

      I nodded, half-embarrassed. The name Adeline meant nobility, something that didn't exactly befit a person like me. So, thus came out Addie; a much better suited name. 

       But I refused to be laughed at, even if it was my new best friend. "Well, your full name is Isadora," I bit back snarkily, my brow raised in confrontation. 

       Far from being offended, Izzy laughed. "Touché," she said teasingly, cuffing me on the shoulder lightly. 

       Settling our already filled stomachs with a stack of cauldron cakes, I glanced out the window. The flat grassland had vanished, along with the industrial towns and buildings; leaving nothing but a vast expanse of trees; their branches seemingly claw-like as they reached to the pale scythe of the moon. 

      Checking her watch, Izzy remarked, "We have at least ten minutes, Addie, might as well change into our school robes." Reaching into my school trunk, I pulled out my robes; a set of plain black that flowed around me; giving the impression that I was a melting black iced cake. I had nothing against melted cakes, though, so I obliged, pulling the silky material over my head. 

       Right on time, the conductor announced that we had arrived and that our luggage was to be brought to our chambers later. Izzy slid open the compartment for me, and as a unit, all of the chattering students filed out; the newcomers like me, looking at awe at the black lake ahead of us. It reminded me of Durmstrang, with its flying ship, and strangely, I felt a dull ache in my chest. Nevertheless, though, it was as the saying said, "Out with the old, in with the new." 

       Steeling myself, I stepped hesitantly beside Izzy, who's teeth was chattering at the bitter cold. With a great, massive shudder, the boats began to move across the oily black water; gliding gracefully upon the lake like a bunch of wooden swans. Looming above us, I glimpsed the huge structure- the forbearing castle of Hogwarts- School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The castle was intimidating with its spiraling towers and gothic arches forming windows that glowed with a mysterious light. Despite myself, I shivered. 

      It was not until the boat scraped the rocks on the shore did I jolt from her trance. Like an automaton trained to walk, I strode towards the school, feeling a bit of dark premonition, but I shrugged it off. 

       I mean, what could possibly go wrong? 


      "Welcome to Hogwarts- School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," the Head, called Professor Dippet  greeted, "now I'm sure that you are all famished, but one thing of great importance remains. The Sorting Hat." 

       With that, a tattered black hat with a gaping mouth sang, rather shrilly about four houses- Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Apparently, Gryffindor valued courage and bravery, Hufflepuff- the loyal and hard-workers, Ravenclaw- intelligence and creativity, and Slytherin- wit and ambition. I mulled over the choices, wondering which house I was to be sorted into. Slytherin seemed extremely appealing, but I had second thoughts once I looked at the idiot prick named Riddle, sneering at his followers in disgust. 

     With that, a man with a squeaky voice and top-hat began unfurling a long roll of parchment and droned the names in a monotonous voice, boring me half to death before he called my name. For a few moments, my feet froze in place, but as the professor cleared his throat, I felt my feet shuffle forwards uncertainly. Whispers greeted me in the face, as it was strange for a student my age to receive the sorting now. 

     The man gestured for me to sit, the Sorting Hat beckoning me closer. Sitting down on the stool, I felt like some kind of circus act as I pulled the hat over my head; the brim covering my eyes slightly. 

        "So," the Sorting Hat mused, "you have quite the character, Adeline Robins. I guess, we have to put you in Hufflepuff!" it yelled, making me stunned at how quick it was. 

      Applause greeted me as I walked towards the table confidently, Izzy holding out a thumbs-up. I let out a sigh of relief. At least there was someone I could talk to in Hufflepuff. Gazing up at the banner with the honey badger, its claws outstretched, I heard the Headmaster clear his throat for silence before saying, "Now, please, tuck in."

      The students didn't need any more encouragement. Suddenly, the golden platters in front of us were heaped with food; their goblets filling with something that I distinctly recognized as pumpkin juice. I guess they don't serve alcoholic beverages here, unlike Durmstrang. Taking a tentative sip, I nodded in approval at the taste before loading my plate with the savory food and preparing to fill my stomach. 

       Just then, I felt a burning sensation on the back of my neck. Turning around and craning my head backwards, I nearly careened into Izzy as I saw my new nemesis- Tom Riddle, smirking at me in superiority. Man, what I would pay to wipe it off with my shoe. 

       Following my line of vision, Izzy patted me on the back sympathetically. "Don't worry, Slytherins always think that they're better than anyone else, especially Hufflepuff. You'll get used to it, though."  

       I felt my blood boil with rage, my jaw flexing in anger as I saw him continuing to smirk at me. Looking up at the glittering green banner with the sign of a snake stamped upon it, I had half the mind to shroud him in it and bury him in the lake. 

       "Addie, you'll just create more trouble if you mess with him. Please don't do anything stupid," Izzy pleaded, seeing my determined gaze. 

       "Don't worry, Izzy," I reassured, "I'm just going to remind Mr. Riddle here that badgers can eat snakes." 


      Did you get the reference? Badgers (Hufflepuff) and Slytherin (Snakes), and badgers eat snakes. Anyways, thank you for reading and please vote and comment below. Thank you :D 

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