Bitter Compromise

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  I stared down at the diary in front of me. There was nothing physically interesting about it whatsoever. But somehow, I knew that Riddle wasn't the type to confess his deep, intermost and heartfelt secrets inside a diary. I briefly imagined what he could have wrote.

Dear Diary,

I killed a girl today.

Love, Tommy (Courtesy of IIWolfieII's commentXD).

I groaned at my stupidity. I was a witch, by Merlin's Beard, why resort to Muggle ways when I could use magic? I took out my wand and tapped on the cover. "Specialis Revelio," I said, waiting expectantly. Nothing. "Bloody brilliant," I muttered, and opened the diary once more, flipping through the three hundred blank pages. I held it up to my wand. "Lumos," I whispered; the light magnifying closely to the paper. If it was written in invisible ink, the simple light spell would be enough to reveal it. I should know.

Nothing. I closed it with a huff. It was obvious Riddle did attached much significance to the book-- as far as I could tell, he preferred to do everything in his own way. To think that he had passed it off to Malfoy meant that he was trying to deem the object as insignificant; probably not telling the true nature to Malfoy either. It would be pointless trying to use Legilimency.

Perhaps Riddle did simply want to confess thoughts to a diary. I snorted. Yeah right. That was a funny joke.

I sighed. Outside, dawn erupted in pink and blue; oblivious to the danger that was coming. I shut the diary with a finality, rubbing my eyes. I had at least three hours to sleep. Reminding myself that winter break would come after tomorrow, I planted my face into my pillow; surreptitiously placing the diary underneath. My eyes closed; ready for the nightmares that were allowed to enfold.

I was standing in front of Hogwarts; the grounds aflame with green fire. "Everything will burn," I heard the familiar mad cackle. The silhouette of Grindelwald stood in front of me; his eyes dark with the sins of his evil. I instinctively took a step back, the brand on my forearm burning harshly. My breath caught in my chest.

Suddenly, the scene changed as if I had just boarded a port key. A dark shadow illuminated the black night. Pale, cold fingers clasping around my wrist. My eyes collided with a face of such horrid ugliness, such horrid demonic nature that I nearly shot up a thousand feet. Those eyes-- cold red eyes sparking with lunacy; inset in a face like a skull.

Just one spell. "Avada Kedavra." A flash of green light ensued, as my body fell through an endless vortex; the silver ring of Dispel falling onto the ground; the sapphires shattering into pieces.

I bolted upwards; sweat streaming down my brow. Sunlight shafted through the windows; a blue sky gracing the clouds. "Come on, Addie!" I heard Izzy shout from the bathroom, "we are going to be late for breakfast!"

"Err, okay!" I called back, my mind still disoriented as I kicked off my slippers and pulled myself into a pair of jeans and a shirt. I adjusted the black robes around my form. Last day before winter break-- which meant that it was the last day before people left for the holidays. Which meant it was one last opportunity to play my pranks. I tied my hair back into a ponytail; the red curls still frizzing untidily.

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