The Plot Thickens

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Addie's POV

Dawn rose; her fingers sprinkling frozen dew upon the hillside. What a beautiful day...after a murder was committed. It seemed as though the whole world was baiting its breath; ready to explode as the bodies were found and the fact that a sixteen year old boy managed to kill his own blood and kin; even after, framing it on his uncle. Why did it all sound so familiar? I was no stranger to murder; although having never ripped life from the body, I have seen it countless times before.

It wasn't so much as the fact that he killed that unsettled me, but the motive. Why had he done so? To me, Tom Riddle was yet another of the world's unsolved mysteries-- he had told me his story, yet I wasn't completely convinced. There was more. There was always more. Sighing, I reached into my pocket, taking sure to grip Dumbledore's thimble with caution. I couldn't worry about Tom Riddle-- he was just a minor inconvenience to my plans. How could I start lecturing him on the fact that he killed without remorse when I was about to do the same thing?

I studied the object. Dumbledore trusted far too easily-- he had brought into my sugar coated lies and my sniffling demeanor, yet he made me wary. He was the only one that Grindelwald had ever feared, but from what I had glimpsed so far, he had no manipulative schemes at his fingertips. How could two people so different fear one another? My troubles seemed to increase twofold at every side.

I massaged my temple nervously. At this rate, I could never survive the whole war; the burden of carrying so many secrets seemed to be slowly leeching the life out of me. Suddenly, I heard a sharp knock on my door. "Are you decent?" the voice came, irritable and cold.

A half smile curved on my lips, but it was forced. I had to maintain my composure. "I don't know, why not come in and find--"

The door opened abruptly, nearly making me topple to the floor. Tom Riddle stood in the doorway, his blue eyes glittering as he surveyed me sitting on my bed. "I remember telling you to get up early," he said, arching one eyebrow. I studied him for a moment. He was nonchalant, as if nothing had happened at all; he was one of a gifted few who could hide the bloodstain on his hands without thought. Who could possibly imagine that perfect Tom Riddle-- school prefect and hero could be a cold blooded murderer? He had the perfect alibi.

"I never thought a gentleman would barge into a lady's room, especially when he doesn't know if she is dressed," I changed the topic skillfully, my eyes fiery as his was cold, "a bit perverted, is it not?"

An attractive smirk lilted on those lips. "It wouldn't be anything that I haven't seen before, Robins," he replied without missing a bit, slinging his coat over his shoulder. He relished the control that he had over me.

Scowling, I headed towards the rack, arranging my winter coat around myself. "Don't be so cocky Riddle," I said, as he held open the door for me, "you will never see anything from me-- willingly or unwillingly; that I can ensure without an Unbreakable Vow."

"Is that a challenge, Addie Robins?" he mocked, his lips curving serpentinely, "might I remind you that I have seen better--" his arm eloped mine, forcing my back against the wall so that I could stare into his eyes. He smirked, "--and conquered better?" I felt my heart startle inside my chest; but I managed to glare into his stupid face. The proximity was unnerving.

"You are aware that conquerers have a high chance of being assassinated?" I asked softly, teasingly brushing his lapels, and pulling them tightly. Tom chuckled darkly, as if triumphant but he didn't say anything. To him, everything other than power was a game. Apparently, this one amused him.

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