Author's Note?

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    Dear readers, I am sorry to say that I am really busy at the moment with studying and preparing for tests that I won't be able to continue Masquerade. 

   I'm sorry....... see the looks on your faces XD Did I get you all for a moment? No? Wasn't it funny? *Waits for the bazooka from my window*

  I know I am lame and this was very cringey, but I had to do it. 

   if any of you guys read my Lord of the Rings fanfic first, you would be throwing battle axes at me. 

Anyways, I do want to clear up a few things. It has reached my attention *duh* that some of you *cough cough* 99.5% has been nagging me for kiss scenes. That's fine, and it's kind of funny because I am a villainous person *Muahaha* with an intimidating mustache. Never mind, I don't have a mustache. 

But that would be funny....

Where was I? 

  Oh yes. FYI, I already wrote the scene itself but when I said coming soon, I didn't say it's coming one update later. Yes, I know I teased you guys too many times (because it's just so funny) but be strong and remind yourselves that the best kiss scene is the one longest waited for. It's coming soon, but don't rush it. I still have to put in my plot twists *plural and coming soon* and I know some of you might find the recent updates boring, but it's just to help establish Addie's knowledge of Tom Riddle better. 

Hmmm, and I wonder who the other spy in Hogwarts is doing? I wonder who it is....while they were at the Ravenclaw diadem.....hmmmm, there seems to be an awful lot of Ravenclaw here if you are catching my drift *evil wink* 


Dedicated to Epic_llama_kittens for choking on her breakfast while reading the previous chapter. 


     Chapter Title:  Back to Hogwarts


     Being the only two magic freaks in the orphanage, we were both required to make one trip of it all to arrive to King's Cross. The cab ride was boring and the fact that Tom was pretending to be so well mannered was laughable. As soon as we crossed Platform 9 3/4, his disposition vanished and he went without a word to his precious little followers. I felt someone shove me roughly from behind. "Out of the way, Robins," Malfoy hissed, taking enjoyment as I tripped and nearly fell on my face. 

    My eyes narrowed. Oh, he was signing his death warrant. I took a glance at the clock. Plenty of time to do some mischief and play many pranks. Dolohov and Rosier sniggered at me before sashaying off in what they thought was a manly way. "Addie!" the sound of a volcano exploding reached my ears as Izzy tackled me into a fierce hug; Will following close behind, panting. 

    "Izzy," I croaked, as her hands squeezed the breath out of me, "" Izzy let go of me. She had tanned on her vacation to Hawaii and she had cut her wavy hair short. She then turned to Will boldly, who delivered a peck on her lips. Oh, the two lovebirds. 

   "Come on," she beamed as the Hogwarts Express whistled with steam, "let's find some compartments, Will and I have something to tell you." 

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