The Broom Closet

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I led him up the winding staircases, towards the place where the room was. I immediately imagined a room that was invisible to all eyes but my own. A familiar bronze knob showed up in the middle of the wall, but Tom Riddle was looking at it skeptically. He couldn't see anything. "Not one of your best jokes, Robins," he observed, his hand tightening considerably on my forearm.

"It's not meant to be a joke," I said flatly, "it's a fair trade. I personally call it the Room of Requirement. Think of whatever you want, and this room appears with what you desire."

Tom Riddle raised one eyebrow. "And how did you find this so called invisible room?" he asked coolly.

I scowled, "That's none of your business, Riddle. Just use your imagination and the door will appear."

He looked at me coldly. "Imagination is for fools with neither wit nor skill, Robins," he quoted Merlin: his eyes flashing, "you will excuse me if I do not think this is one of your hapless pranks."

"So you admit that you are a fool?" I asked, raising my eyebrow, "I see we can finally agree on something, Tom Riddle."

Before he could reply, though, the sound of footsteps came towards us. "Students out in the corridors!" I heard Peeves cackle from nowhere; swooping towards the footsteps and blowing us a raspberry. My heart jolted-- Caretaker Pennings was hurrying towards us. Suddenly, I felt a strong hand latch onto my wrist, pulling me backwards. I lost my balance immediately, falling backwards before I heard a click of a door and darkness submerged me.


A broom closet. Of all things that the ingenious Tom Riddle could think of-- he chose a bloody broom closet. The air was dry and musty with the scent of old brooms. Besides, there was not too much space inside a broom closet. I was pushed up against Riddle's chest; his arms clasped loosely around my shoulders, his right hand clapped on my mouth, should I try to scream. Honestly, I might be a stereotypical prankster, but I wasn't stupid. I tried to glare at him, but he wouldn't let go; not until Caretaker Pennings's furious footsteps faded into silence. Slowly, he lowered his hand from my mouth-- lucky for him because I was contemplating biting his hand off for good measure.

"You are a blasted idiot," I hissed, "you could have at least imagine something of greater capacity than a damned broom closet."

Tom's upper lip curved slightly. "And what if, in that moment, Robins, I simply wanted to be in an immensely small space next to you?" The question was harmless enough, but it was his devious smirk that made me flush darkly. I silently thanked the Room of Requirement for being dark enough to conceal my blush.

"Well, then, since you know what this room can do now--I suppose our bargain will be upheld and I will just go now--" My hand reached for the doorknob, but Tom's icy fingers clasped around my wrist, spinning me around so that I crashed into his arms. His superior height was somehow even more daunting than usual.

"Not so fast, Robins," he murmured silkily, making me shiver; though not with dread, "I am still curious-- why exactly do you think that I would want this room?"

I forced myself to meet his eyes. "Are you an idiot?" I tried to scowl, "because you would obviously need a little room so that you can gossip and paint your nails with your stupid lackeys." I squirmed, trying to stamp on his feet, "Now let me go, Riddle."

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