The Christmas Party

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    The skirt and bodice was a deep red, almost crimson. Red hair, framing scarlet lips. I folded the wrap tightly around my shoulders, only allowing the skirt to be visible. Izzy walked behind me, with Will holding onto her arm. She looked nervous. Tom and I hadn't exactly worked out a precise schedule, so I supposed it was pretty much just meeting each other at the party, pretending to be madly in love with each other, and then leaving to our respective Houses. 

    "Err," Will tried to clear his throat, "you look different, Addie. I am sure Tom would...well..." He couldn't get the words out. 

   Izzy elbowed him in the stomach. "Will still has a hard time accepting how you came from hating each other to being partners at Slughorn's Party. And frankly, so am I." She looked at me curiously, "Did something happen between the two of you?" 

     I replied calmly, "Just a practical joke. Don't worry, it won't last." 

    Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door to Slughorn's office. A few students were already seated, their fine clothes and appearance making them nearly untouchable. I saw Tom seated at Slughorn's right hand, talking to him animatedly, but I saw his fingers stroke the top of his glass with boredom. I steeled myself to make myself known. Suddenly, the talking stopped. Every head turned, as I felt my cheeks beginning to heat up, but I forced myself to look regal, and in all respects, a proud French. I saw Tom leisurely turn his head, then stop. His eyes which looked deceptively warm when they turned to Slughorn suddenly hardened....then softened....before turning back to their original state. 

    He stood up, drawing himself to his full height before making his way to me. I adjusted the wrap around my shoulders again, doing well to hide the majority of my dress. He offered me his hand, as I accepted it with my gloved one. Conducting me to his right, he pulled out the chair for me and made sure to push it ever so slightly towards the table as I sat down. Perfect in all respects. I saw envy in the faces of the girls, jealousy at Tom from the faces of the boys. 

    I couldn't seem to remember the dinner all that well. The food was delicious, the drink good, and everyone seemed amiable. But it was all a blur as Tom and I battled in different wars in speech and manner; his posture almost convincing me that he respected my own powers. Our relationship was a secret hidden behind carefully guarded glances and gestures. When the dessert finally cleared, I had began to get impatient, my foot tapping underneath the table. Slug horn had clearly had his pineapple, booming his laughs until he finally got up. "A party isn't a party without dancing!" he announced, clapping his hands as the table flew back and compacted; revealing an open space for dancing. I stood up, fiddling with my gloves. Gentle music poured through the chamber. 

    "The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss II," I heard the voice beside me, as I turned around slowly, seeing Tom Riddle as he continued, "some call him the King of Waltz." 

     "I prefer the Kaiser-Walzer," I replied coolly. 

      "Emperor Waltz," Tom translated charmingly, "then will you be my Empress for the night?" he offered me his hand. 

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