Rising Action

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    It did not take much for Madame Pompona to release me an hour after Tom Riddle "visited" me. All it took was a misplaced medical bottle, a wave of my wand, and a whole lot of complaining. By the end of the whole ordeal, Madame Pompona looked as if she wanted to hit me over the head with a hospital chair, but since that would mean extending my stay in the hospital wing, she refrained from doing so. Lucky her. 

   Another flick of my wand transformed my hospital pajamas into my school robes. I heard the first bell ringing, signaling breakfast. My stomach growled immediately. After spoonfuls of delectable medicine, sarcasm intended, I needed myself a decent toast and a whole lot of bacon. There was no meaning of moderation in my diet. Food was my friend. 

    Following the scent of fried eggs like a bloodhound, I made my way towards the Great Hall, where the four tables were ladened from heavy dishes of porridge, kippers, and the works. You could never accuse a house elf of not being considerate. I made my way towards the spot where Izzy and Will sat. "Hello, strangers," I teased, plopping in between them and began shoving toast and marmalade into my mouth. "How were your days without me?" I asked, but my mouth was so full that it sounded more along the lines of, "Hock whash youdays withoot mi?

     "Splendid, until now," Izzy retorted, sticking out her tongue at me, as I rolled my eyes, but Will stayed silent. His hands were clenched at his sides. Izzy threw him a worried glance. "Will--" she began, but he simply pushed away his breakfast and headed away, without even a backwards glance. 

    "Hey, what's your problem?" I asked, shoving away my food as well to catch up, but he had already made his way to the threshold. "Hey!" I called, spinning him around to face him. 

     His eyes were narrowed. "Why?" he asked, anger rippling in his voice. 

    I froze. "Why, what?" I continued on bravely. 

   "Why did you fly in my stead in the games?" he asked. 

    I was startled. Not because of the question, but because of his voice. Will never raised his voice, this wasn't like him. "Because you are my friend," I answered, "and I couldn't let Gryffindor beat Hufflepuff." 

    "Oh, you couldn't?" Will shot back, his words blazing. 

      Everyone in the Great Hall had stopped eating; their eyes peering at us. I felt indignation prickle through me. "Well, what is your problem?" I hissed, "Hufflepuff won, and that's that." 

     "Really?" he asked sarcastically, "is that why you pulled off a nearly suicidal dive trying to get the Golden Snitch? If you were that good-- you probably could have pulled it off with less drastic measures. Wanted to make yourself look good, didn't you?" 

    "Who told you that I pulled off a dive--" I began in confusion, but he cut me off. 

   "If you really wanted to take my place," he continued in a darker voice, "then you could have done it so that the Captain would have let me stay in the team." 

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