Abraxas Malfoy

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    I walked on cheerfully through the corridors until I saw a rather disconcerting view. A group of Slytherins shoved their way through the crowd; pushing terrified second years out of the way, and muscling their way through the stairs. At the head was a familiar face-- a sneering git with blond hair and a pointed face. My face scrunched with distaste. Abraxas Malfoy. 

   Stopping before me, he sneered, "Move out of the way, Robins." Getting out of the way probably would have been the prudent thing to do, but I digressed. Squaring my stature, I decided to talk some common sense into his witless brain.

    I took a moment to heft my school books in my arms before I asked brightly, "Have you ever seen anyone spontaneously combust before?" He seemed jolted by my sudden question; his eyebrows disappearing under his blond hair, before his sneer returned. But I didn't wait for his answer, as I continued, "No? Then get out of the way, and I will only consider exploding you only a little." 

   There was a stunned silence, then the Slytherins laughed-- cruel and raucous, like the time I stuffed dung bombs into the Durmstrang bugle. Abraxas's cold grey eyes narrowed as he leaned in close and said threateningly, "You obviously don't know how things work here, little Hufflepuff," he paused loftily, "but you will never show your face again if you are smart." The Slytherins smirked, making my blood boil. 

   "Listen, blond-jerk," I said as calmly as I could, "I didn't volunteer to see your face either-- so please stop shoving your way through the corridors-- I understand your head is too big for these halls but that is no excuse to strut around people as if you are better than them."

   The boy stepped forwards threateningly, but before he could do anything, a cold, sharp voice rang through the stairway, "Leave her be, Abraxas--" The Slytherins parted for the newcomer, as my lip curled hatefully at Tom Riddle's form silhouetted impressively in the sea of pointed hats. Looking down his nose disdainfully, he continued, "Do not waste your breath, Malfoy, Hufflepuff's minds are so limited that criticism simple bounces off of them." 

  "Too bad your existence isn't limited," I muttered under my breath, but Riddle ignored this and advanced-- looming above me, but I stood my ground fiercely. 

  "I take it back," he said calmly, "your stupidity should have gotten you in Gryffindor instead." 

  My expression hardened, before I retorted, "At least I won't be alone in that department." 

  Riddle's eyes flashed, but it vanished as he snapped back towards his followers, speaking coldly to his gang, "If she ever bothers us again in the future, you may all have my permission to show her what happens to Hufflepuffs when their heads get too big for their bodies." With that, he led his followers back down the staircase; shoving me roughly against the balusters. 

  I glared at the back of his head, before I whispered, "Then let me show you, in turn, Mr. Riddle; what happens to annoying Slytherins when they confront a pranking Hufflepuff." 


   As the morning bled into lunch, I picked at my food-- flicking bits of beef onto Will, who spurted ketchup in my direction; only to have it land on Izzy's hair. She never noticed, though, and neither of us had plucked the courage to tell her. The events of last night kept replaying in my head-- the letter. Durmstrang has fallen....The words pounded through my head relentlessly. 

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