The Ravenclaw Diadem

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*Dedicated to allegra2053

For her supportive comments and suggestions :D

And she is a Ravenclaw through and through. I, myself, consider that I am in the best group of all. I am obviously a Hippogriff who writes fan fiction in her spare time. XD I am too cool for a House. Pfffttt. 

"Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure." 


  "The sky is dark like your soul; oh wait, never mind, what used to be your soul. Oh you know, before splitting your soul over death insecurities," I said as we walked through the bountiful woods of Albania. Tom ignored me flatly. 

   "Moldy Voldy," I muttered underneath my breath, but he was still ignoring me; his form stiffening with frustration as we were scouring through the woods. "I am beginning to question your source--" I said, as I took a deep breath, huffing from the strain.

   "I got it from the Grey Lady herself," Tom said through gritted teeth.

  "And how exactly?" I questioned sarcastically.

  "From my charm of course," he replied in a matter of fact tone.

  "Ah," I said, "of course."

  The walk was long and arduous and despite having been walking for hours, we had found nothing. "Did Monsieur Charming happen to ask the Grey Lady exactly where this stupid diadem of wisdom lies?" 

   No reply. "So, not that charming after all?" I bit out, having my mood sour worse than usual, "if Helena was willing to die for the diadem, did you really think she would just waltz out and tell you exactly where she hid it?" 

   "If your chatter helps find the diadem, I would request you to keep talking, but being that we have not the slightest bit of success; I conclude that it is not adding anything to the cause. So you have my permission to shut up, Robins." Tom replied, as I scowled at him. 

   I kicked a clod of dirt as we continued to walk. The trek was longer than the size of Tom's stupidity. 

    Finally, when the night couldn't be darker, Tom stopped; anger clear in his features, but it disappeared underneath the charming facade. "You must be tired," he said. 

    "Not really. I can't feel the pain anymore." 

    "We will make camp here for the night," he said, "there is no use wandering the forest, like you said, without gathering too much unwanted attention." I heard the faint howling of a wolf ringing through the forest. Merlin help the witch who was going to go with Tom on a honeymoon. 

   I dumped my backpack on the ground before retrieving my wand. I waved it once with the nonverbal incantation; conjuring the tent that I had stolen from one of the warlocks in the Green Giant while he was drinking. It was just one of those times that I felt glad having the skill set of a prankster. The poles soon straightened and the flap of the tent was visible, as I looked at Tom. He simply waved his hand and the tent color changed to a bright Slytherin green. He looked at me, a slight smirk on his features. Show-off. 

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