Hogsmeade Part Two

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Addie's P.O.V. 

      Do you know what the sad thing about coincidence is? Here is a hint. It is coincidentally coincidental. 

   "Fancy seeing you here, Adeline Robins," Tom Riddle said smoothly, his words ringing softly through the shop. 

    I gulped, panic rising inside of my gut, but I refused to let him now. Planting my feet firmly, I looked up at him with a fierce expression. "It's Addie Robins, Riddle, and it is none of your business whether I am in Hogsmeade or not," I retorted, sticking out my tongue childishly. 

     Tom's face twitched, as if I had said something especially amusing. "But you see, Robins, it is the prefect's concern when he sees that a person who had not had their form signed is sneaking into Honeyduke's. 

     "I did not sneak," I said furiously, my mind racing for an answer, "I was--" 

    "You were what?" Tom said in an expressionless voice, his eyes glinting strangely. 

    I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Watching me open and close my mouth, Tom clucked his tongue mockingly, "Poor Hufflepuff, looks like it will have to be on the bottom of the House Cup this year once more." 

   I felt hopelessness drain inside of my chest, but something clicked inside of my mind. "I actually do have a signed form, Riddle," I began, a grin forming on my face. 

   Despite himself, Tom Riddle glanced at me sharply, surprise flitting on his features, but he recovered quickly. "Then where is it?" he asked, his voice lilting curiously. 

    I plunged my hand into my robes and pulling out my wand, I said darkly, "Here it is. Oppugno!" Dozens of chocolate bars launched themselves at Tom Riddle's face, who was caught off guard, but upon waving his hand, made all of them return to their rightful place. "Shouldn't have taught me that one, huh?" I said mockingly before a barrel sailed towards my face. Hastily casting a Disillusionment charm, I slid back into the cellar and through the passageway before boarding down the witch's hump. 

   Safe, for now....


      I ran lightly down the spiral staircase, concealed by my charm. In my hand was the map, the blotches indicating the rooms that I had searched for so far. A slightly insane grin came on my face. I had surely toured about half of Hogwarts at this point unable to stifle my laughter at the image of Tom shielding himself from the onslaught of chocolate. Comedy gold... 

   Skirting past the roused pictures, I slipped past through the corridor until I heard something from behind me. Without even freezing, I whipped back and pointed my wand, only to find a full-grown phyrefox peering at me through wide green eyes. My eyebrows knit together in confusion. What was it doing here? Dropping down to one knee, I immediately saw a letter clamped in its jaws. Hesitantly, I reached with shaking fingers for the object; as the phyrefox unlatched its jaws and spitting a burst of instant flame; it crackled and disappeared in a burst of light. I felt fear steel my chest like a band of iron, as I glanced downwards at the seal upon the letter-- a phoenix enfolded within flame. "Lumos," I whispered and igniting the tip of my wand, I slit open the letter; the words rapidly reading themselves in my mind. But what made me fear the most was that upon the parchment, there lay a fine black print. Durmstrang has fallen

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