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     I was in a familiar chamber; the walls engraved with eerie symbols of darkness. The room was thick with the scent of blood and fear. My hands were bound with enchanted chains; the manacles cutting into my bruised wrists. Every movement I made tightened their grip on my skin. It had been days since I had last eaten or slept. He made sure that I had none. The grating of the jail door brought a gleam of light before it was swallowed in the blackness. I tried to catch that ray of hope with my hands; I hadn't seen light in so long....

  "Please, end this!" I begged at his feet; kissing the feet of the abhorrent demon who had done all this to me-- who had committed such inhumane acts against his own kind. 

   A high pitched laughter sounded from him; as he delivered a kick to my stomach; crumpling me to the ground. He bent until he was level with me; his cold, abhorrent hands like death on my skin. I jerked my chin away, my eyes narrowed in hatred. 

   "So, you still have the spirit within you," he mused, "you may prove to be useful, yet." He had sealed my fate. He snapped his fingers and two chains sprang from the ground; wrapping around my throat and pinning me to the wall. A needle and syringe appeared; filled with a clear solution. He grabbed my chin, twisting it painfully, as I cried out-- for fear, to beg and to plead, but his heart was steel. The needle pricked my neck and I felt fire consume me; my blood spiking to a thousand degrees. I gnashed my teeth against my tongue; the coppery taste of blood filling my mouth. I cried out; one, gut wrenching cry and my world was consumed in the black void. 

   I jolted upright; my pillow flying so that it squarely hit Izzy on the head, who just mumbled and kept on snoring. I rubbed the back of my neck; almost feeling the pain of the needle as it injected the serum into my body. I was never the same since. I looked back at my bed. The pillows and sheets were drenched with cold sweat; the prospect of sleep becoming increasingly unappealing. I sighed. 

    Putting on my slippers, I wrapped a bathrobe around myself before descending down the stairs. The whole dormitory of Hufflepuff was asleep. I cast the invisibility charm upon myself and snuck out of the portrait hole. Recently, the Fat Lady had requested to move to Gryffindor, so now, a picture of a French knight took her place. I had no problem with that, being fluent in the language, but for the other students, it was a nightmare. 

    I snuck through the hallways, barely making a sound as I crept through the corridors. It was eerily quiet-- good for calming my turbulent mind. I was about to let out another sigh, but not before I heard the sound of quick footsteps. Despite my charm, I hid behind a decorative tree; my eyes glimpsing the pale face of Tom Riddle. I held my breath; almost suffocating from the lack of air. He, no doubt, knew where I was. But he passed me without a backwards glance. I was stunned. He was a prefect-- how could he pass up the opportunity to put me in detention? 

   I was intrigued. Noiselessly, I followed behind; a pace or two slower, but he continued to not sense me; or perhaps he was baiting me. But something told me that it wasn't the case. He jerked to a sharp left, and I waited until his footsteps faded. "Lumos," I whispered, as I ignited my wand tip. The secret map was now clearly seen; and a wave of my wand and a brief whisper marked the steps of Tom Riddle as he made his way towards the....

   My eyes widened. No freaking way. Filled with shock and expecting something horrible, I swifted past the corridors as I made my way into the specific place. The Girls's Bathroom. "Nox," I whispered, shaking out the light from my wand. Tom Riddle was kneeling on the floor; his face almost grey in the dim moonlight. If I didn't know any better, I would say that he looked sickly; but the fanatic look in his eyes convinced me otherwise. 

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