Chapter Nine

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Fire Flower is still stuck in a sticky situation, but no plant has come to help will she survive?

Druid Rose meets a new type of Kernel Corn...who has a dark past...and she discovers secrets that fills in the questions she's been wondering for a long time. At the same time, she gets closer to Party Corn, revealing something she never has before. After all, that's what Garden Warfare does...or it tears you apart...

Druid Rose

I brush past him, ignoring his greeting.

Party Corn...he's making me feel odd and strange and I need to get away from him. It's distracting me from my purpose at the moment, and I need to get him out of my head.

Shaking my wand furiously, I see the green sparkles dance around the glowing green orb of light in the wand and heave a sigh.

May the Mega Flower give us strength. Please. I grip my wand tightly, right before unleashing my Toxic Volley upon some Browncoats.

Fire Flower

"Ugh. Ugh. Ugh."

My Sunflower grunts of pain get louder and louder as I struggle to reach home. The cuts and bites in my centrals stem burn and sting while my outside petals feel all dried up and weak. My arms feel feeble, and my fire flower hands are now no longer glowing.

The rainbow is getting closer and closer and I can feel my eyes starting to close.

"Move roots! Come on! Come on!" I urge myself, strutting forward for moment, my stems and bottom leaves feeling all wobbly.

I strut a bit more and am now right in front of the gate, breathing hard, my inner vines dry and in need of water and nutrients.

I stretch my flower hand for the gate, and as it opens, a plant gasps in front of me but my vision is too blurry to notice and I collapse to the ground.

Druid Rose


I clench my wand harder than usual for a moment, on my guard. Sure, I am back home now because Agent Rose said that I could rest up for tomorrow because they only needed to destroy the last of the weapon on Moon Base Z, but what if a zombie followed me home? Who knows what could happen. It could be some sort of zombie-

An odd throbbing pain hits my head, and I let out a hiss.

"Whoa are you ok?"

I shake my head for a moment, trying to clear my thoughts.

Someplant is in pain. Someplant I care about. I lash out one of my thorny vines for a second, and then regain control.

"I'm fine." I respond. "I feel just a bit...ah..." I groan and shake my head.

"No, you're not." The voice sounds concerned.

"No really I'm-" I look up through my mask to see a type of Kernel Corn I've never seen before.

"Who are you?" I ask, scanning him from behind my mask.

He has a hat on his head that matches the tie and shirt on him and cobs that look like guns. Hm. Rather intimidating.

"I'm Mob Cob." He looks a little confused for a moment, but seems to recover quickly. "Who are you? I only know Fire Rose."

It's weird that I've never seen this corn before.

"I'm Druid Rose." I smile through my mask.

Mob Cob smiles slightly. "Nice to meet ya."

I let out a soft laugh. "Nice to meet you too. How come I've never seen you before?"

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