Chapter Ten

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Enter the power and electro classes of the plants!

A new Pea arrives to join the agents of L.E.A.F...and Power Flower slowly starts to forget about Power Chomper...

Power Cactus and Electro Citron have finally joined their own group. What's in store these electric shooting and spraying plants?

Power Chomper

"Aren't you tired?"

I yawn, with Power Flower still bouncing around and full of energy. I growl and then smile, open my mouth wide.

"How do you still have so much energy? We just got back!" I yawn again. "Aren't you tired?"

"No! I'm happy! I'm trying to send my support from here all the way to Moon Base Z!" Power Flower jumps up into the air and punches it with one of her electric hands. "Yeah yeah yeah! Go vanquish some zombies!"

My lips form a smile. She's always so energetic. That's what I like about her.

She's like my sister.

"Wow you sure are electrical! But not as charged up as I am!"

An electric-looking Pea comes in and scuttles next to Power Flower, laughing. His pods crackle with electricity, his lightning bolts radiating electro energy and his bottom leaves glowing brightly.

Power Flower smiles at him, and there's some kind of electrical feel between them for a moment that even I can feel.

"Hi I'm Electro Pea." He says happily. "I'm new here. I arrived a little while ago."

"I'm Power Flower!" Power Flower exclaims brightly. She extends one of her electric flower hands towards him and Electro Pea does the same with his electric pod, and they both touch, creating a large friendly, electric spark. "Welcome to your home! That's Power Chomper!"

I let out a hearty laugh. "Hey there!" I open my mouth wide, and it forms into a wide smile. Electro Pea squints his eyes up happily. He offers me his pod and I duck my head down so that it touches my electrical spikes and the same friendly spark goes off.

Electro Pea withdraws his pod, a friendly and playful look on his face. "That was fun!" He says, and I smile even wider, knowing that I'm going to like this new electric type Peashooter.

Power Flower

That day I shook his pod, I felt a nice, happy spark from him.

I don't know why, but the more time I spend with him, I forget about my feelings for Power Chomper. Maybe it's for the best.

It's been a while since our reunion after Moon Base Z and I find myself enjoying his company more and more. Power Chomper and him are great friends too, and it makes my leaves feel all jittery and excited to be around those two.

Power Cactus has started to hang around our group as well, with the addition of Electro Citron. I feel like I belong more than ever now.

I still keep in touch with my other plant friends, like Rock Pea, Fire Chomper, and everyone else I know, but most of the time I stick with the group. I just love the rush of warmth through my inner vines and the friendliness that always sits in my roots when I'm around these plants. That....electrical sensation.

I've realized that a lot has changed since the victory at Moon Base Z. Yes, we managed to win, but a lot changed here.

I never see Mystic Flower anymore; she's too busy trying to heal Fire Pea; I'm finding myself missing Fire Flower more and more; Fire Rose and BBQ Corn have started to hang around each other more and more often...Petrified Cactus has been acting strange ever since Mob Cob talked to her...and Druid Rose and Party Corn almost never speak to each other anymore.

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