Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Author Academy started a week ago!? And I'm still trapped here!?"

I mentally groan to myself and press my lips together in a thin line, grimacing.

Great. Just...wonderful! I kinda is...I'm trapped in one of my favorite video games but still...I mean...

I go through the drafts I had managed to throw together this morning. This chapter...ugh. I honestly don't have as much inspiration so I hope that the viewers like it...I CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY TRIALS OF GNOMUS! Zombopolis didn't give me too much inspiration so...

I stare at the draft in my hands.

Oh my god. What am I gonna do?

Publish it! You haven't updated in a while!

Don't publish it! It sucks!

"OH MY GOD WHAT THE HECK! You only live once." I roll my eyes before hitting the publish button. I instantly regret it within a few seconds, ducking away in embarrassent.

"Please don't hate this chapter. I know it's bad" I sigh sadly and leave the garage, avoiding the the Dave Bot and ignoring the fact that I just had a conversation with myself.

Fire Rose

My mind whispers softly to me with pictures and visions that completely confuse me, my brain feeling like a dark purge of shadows and I can feel one of my rose hands tremble and shake violently.

What? Something else? But what? My thoughts and visions furiously argue with what reality is at the moment.

No! That won't happen. No. And this isn't possible! What are...these...GNOMES...

I frown and shake my head, not wanting to deal with this as the moment.

Where's Druid Rose? wonder, shaking my head as I try to clear my mind. Stop thinking about other plants and focus on the now. Where was I? Ah yes. Gnomes.

Gnomes can't do that...can they? Can they really....?

Fire Rose get ahold of yourself...these visions are getting out of control! Just...just forget about them!

I shift uncertainly in the air and frown, unsure of what to do.

Maybe the green vision ball in Agent Rose's castle...maybe...maybe it can give me some answers....

I mentally debate with myself for about several seconds before agreeing to go to Agent Rose's castle to seek some answers.

I take a deep breath and float towards her castle, my fiery eyes feeling heavy and dark. Night has started to fall upon the Backyard, and my worry for Party Corn, Toxic Pea, Druid Rose, and Mystic Flower continues to grow as I continue to gaze at the sky, disturbed by my visions of something that is known to be simply impossible...

I go through the hall of records and see the three portals swirling in front of me, and I turn towards the rose-coloured one, and it swirls in a somewhat taunting way.

You want to enter me? I dare you. It's swishing and moving taunts and I bite down.

Do I really want to do this? I blink slowly, wondering if I'm even ready to gaze into the green crystal ball.

I have to. I need answers. I take a deep breath, and slowly hover towards the portal.

I can see my faded reflection and I look at the scared, fearful, frightened fire that burns in my eyes.

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