bunny and lee's plan, the set up

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shane's POV

I walk into the room and see Drew lying on the bed going through my phone "Alright there Drew?" I say to him.

"Yeah I'm on my Facebook because my phone died and your phone wasn't." He smiles.

"Okay then. Anything interesting happening?" I ask him sitting next to him.

"No not really. Anyway what were you talking to Bunny and Lee about?" Drew gives me back my phone and sits cross-legged in front of me.

"Well..." I begin, Drew's eyes widen.


"Well... Lee has asked one of his friends round to meet Harley so we are either going to have to make our base here or go out." I say to him.

"So Harley might actually find someone today?" He reiterates, I nod in respond. "Where are Keveridge going?" Drew puts his hands on my legs.

"I don't know I'll ask."

I walk into the living room, calling Laurence's name. "Yeah?" I hear him call back.

"Can you and Kier come to our room please we need to talk to you." I say.

"Erm... sure. KIER! Come on we are needed." The pair come into our room.

"Right so... Lee has asked one of his friends over to come and meet Harley so I thought it'd be best if we all go out to get out of the way." I propose the idea and everyone agrees.

"We could go to the museum, then the pub." Kier suggests. Again, we all agree. The four of us disband to go and get ready. I go off back to Bunny and Lee.

"Guys?" I knock on the door.

"Two seconds." Lee comes and opens the door. "What's up?" He asked looking at my flustered self.

"Us five are going to go out to give you lot some space." I say, speaking quickly.

"Cheers mate, really appreciate it." He smiles. Luke walks past.

"Be ready in five minutes I'll explain later." I call. Luke stops, thinks, nods and moves on.

Bunny's POV

Lee and I sit, curled up on the sofa. "Harley come on. Where the hell are you." I shout through. Harley walks in and sits on the arm chair.

"Thanks for reminding me for how lonely I am." They say, looking at us. I roll my eyes and move off of Lee. "I was joking." They laugh.

"We never know with you." Lee joins the conversation. The door knocks and I start to feel nervous for Harley. Lee answers the door. "Andrew! Hi! Come in." He walks in and stands awkwardly in front if us. "So this is my girlfriend Bunny and her best friend Harley." I smile and welcome him in.

"Bunny. Kitchen. Now." Harley spits. I get up slowly, knowing how this is going to end. I stand, leaning against the kitchen surface.

"What have I done now?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Do I fucking look stupid!? I know why that Andrew is here. You're trying to set me up with him." They look angrily at me.

"Oh for fucks sake. Can you just fucking appreciate the fact I am trying!" I walk out and sit back down. Harley storms back in and sits down as far away from me as possible.

"You two had an argument or something?" Lee says.

"Dunno really." I say back in a dull tone.

"Did I pick a bad time to come down?" Andrew says quietly. I shake my head vigorously.

"No, it's fine." I say. The three of us talk for a while, lee catching up with Andrew, me just sitting and listening. I pull out my phone and decide to text Harley.


At least try and talk to him. He looks interested in you.

I continue to scroll through my phone to try and look inconspicuous.


Yeah and I'm interested in him but it would be nice if you could tell me you were doing this.

I decide not to answer the text but to just glare at them. "Right who's up for drinks?" I ask. All three agree so I go off to make the drinks. Lee follows me.

"So?" He says smiling.

"So?" I repeat.

"Do you like him?" He says swinging his legs.

"I mean don't get me wrong he's a lovely person but he's got nothing on you babe." I say sticking my tongue out teasingly.

"Alright what you after then?" Lee grabs my waist making me scream. "You're only nice to me when you want something." He jokes.

"What you on about I'm nice to you all the time." I protest, stretching up to kiss him.

"Interrupting are we?" Harley stands at the door with Andrew behind. We turn around in absolute horror once we were caught.

"wh-what no. No." i stammer trying to explain myself.

"Can't i kiss my girl Harley?" Lee laughs.

"We wondered what was taking so long with the drinks." Harley giggles, taking their drink off of the side, passing Andrew one in the process. "We are gonna go back in there while you two get it on." They say leading Andrew off.

"They seem to be getting on well." I say smiling.

The day passes by and before we know it, the evening has arrived. Im too drunk to care about anything anymore, and so are the others. I've lost them all. I just lie on the living room floor, looking up at the ceiling. "Come on pisshead." Lee helps me up but I can't stand so he carries me into the garden. "Look our plan worked." I try my best to see what's happening.

"What's happening?" I slur.

"They're kissing." lee explains. He sits me on the wall and rests his hands on my lower back, running his thumbs on my hip. He leans in and kisses me, pulls away slightly, smiles and leans back in. As he kisses me I pass out and fall forward.

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