drinks on me

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so we decided to go out for meal and drinks.....okay mostly drinks...to top it off I decided that drinks were on me....my card is going to be battered by the end of tonight.... we all go into our rooms and get changed for the night ahead of us.

"ANDY!" I shout "what have you lost?" andy replies, "my glasses!" , I hear a laugh come from the other room "what so funny I've lost my effing glasses!" I shout outside the door, my brother immediately shouts "language!" at me, shaking my head I simply respond in the funniest way possible "PROFANE FUCKING ENGLISH WOOLNOUGH!", you hear a multitude of laughing coming from around the house "well played" drew says, I tip my imaginary hat "it was a pleasure", I disappear back into the bathroom, "you got that from me alright" bunny laughs.

giggling to myself, I go to straighten my hair and realise my glasses are on my head and have been all the time, I shake my head and silently scold myself for being an idiot. 

* time lapse*

I Finish up in the bathroom putting my glasses on my face, walking into the kitchen finding nearly everyone stood waiting, "found your glasses then" kier remarks, "watch it kemp, tread carefully" I playfully warn, he simply smirks at me avoiding the look on beverages face that he is currently giving him, "what?" kier asks him looking as innocent as he can, Laurence swatts him around the head, kier ducks in time, "ha missed!" he cockily says, before he had a chance to escape I quickly get him in the back of the head "welcome!" I look over at a smiling Laurence, "I think its time we all left for the bar..." bunny cuts in "I think that's a good idea" I grab the van keys ready to go "I think not harlie!" I turn around to have the van keys snatched out my hand by luke " yeah no im the one driving your sorry arses there and back, cause knowing you lot you will all be rat faced in a matter of 10 mins" we all laugh to Lukes comment but we all know he's right.

we pile into the van, climbing ontop of one another fighting for the front seat....what were kids at heart...after minutes of childish squabbling over the front seat Shane finally wins and the rest of us pile into the back. "right what bar are we going to?" Luke asks "not our work," me and bunny say in unison, luke laughs knowing what happened last time we went for drinks at our work. "how about the one we went to while on tour that time?" Laurence suggests we all agree in unison, as Luke sets off in the search for The Golden Keg ( we tried) 

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now