shouldn't have done that...

12 0 0

Laurence's pov:

We had all finally managed to get settled down with our teas and coffee's with the cookies that drew had insisted we had to share on the table, as per usual I was cuddled up with the red head, the timids were cuddled up, bunny and lee were snuggled up, Luke was sat with a beer in his hand and harlie and Andy were tangled up together, the tv screen was still blank "guys what are we actually watching?" I ask "well were certainly not watching big hero 6 or Aladdin that's for sure" drew comments "but!" harlie intervenes "no buts!" drew retaliates "but it's the best Disney film of all time" harlie wines "harlie dorran Myles woolnough stop arguing with me im your brother!" drew shouts, harlie cowers into Andy's chest "now drew that's just uncalled for" I but in, drew droops his head "sorry harlie im just tiered" drew apologises quietly, shane ruffles his hair, I get up placing a random Disney film on.

Bunnys pov:

After drew shouts at harlie for arguing I look over to them sympathetically and place my hand on their leg so they don't freak out, harlie never been any good with people shouting at them or facing confrontation at the best of times. When all goes quiet Laurence gets up and places a DVD in the player and snuggles back down into kier.

Shrek plays on the TV, I can't help but immediately start singing to the opening song of the film, "somebody once told me..." I start to sing "the world is gonna roll me" kier starts to try join in "I aint the sharpest tool in the shed" harlie half sings, half shouts, we sit laughing while we all sing to the rest of the song.

During the film we all start quoting the best lines in the film, making eachother laugh at our silly accents and funny remarks "ogres have layers!" kier stammers out "oi kemp that's my line get ur own line!" harlie shouts making us once again burst into laughter, "movie nights are the best, thanks guys" I say "it was your idea love" lee says kissing my head. After a while I feel myself dozing off into the warmth of lee, only to be suddenly woken by a short arse other than drew woolnough himself telling me to go to bed and take lee with me, lee stands up, picking me up bridal style, with the rest of the guys going to their rooms, apart from harlie and Andy who remain asleep on the sofa I watch as shane puts a blanket over the pair, turning the lap on and turning the main light off leaving the two to sleep on the sofa as we all go to our rooms for the remainder of the night.

Harlies pov

I wake up slowly opening my eyes expecting to see the rest of the guys in the same state, all cuddled up with one another on the sofas, I was wrong all the guys were gone, I looked at the clock on the wall "2:30 am" I groan internally to myself snuggling back into Andy.

Im suddenly once again wakened by something cold and wet thrown onto me, I shoot up my glasses flying off my face "guys!" I shout looking down at my drenched clothing, a fit of giggles echo around the room "we tried to wake you now for a good hour now this was our last resort!" kier laughs "who actually threw the water!" I ask, both kier and wooly stand pointing at eachother "if none of you will own up I'll just get you both back!" I state crossing my arms trying to act 'serious' kiers face goes pale and stammers "you wouldn't dare" he says "don't try me kemp" retaliating, they both just stand there "so you going to admit it woolnough or do I need to get shane" I play the shane card knowing it will get him to spill anything I want or need out of him "uummm......okay fine you got me it was my idea but he did it" drew said running out the room "so kemp do you have anything to say for yourself?" I ask moving closer to him keeping eye contact with the red head, I place my hand on his shoulder "be warned this is war, I will get you back kemp" I whisper "im the prank lord good luck with that I don't scare easily" pulling a smug look.

"Challenge accepted"

"You have a week starting tomorrow"

"You're on"

"Good luck"

"This is war boy!"

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora