when the realisation hits..

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Andy's pov:

its been a while since everything happened, bunny and harlie seem to be taking it rather well, their both still the same smiling pair , as if on key my fiancé walks in "hi love how was work?" i ask smiling softly ,"knackering me and bunny were the only two in so we were doing double work and over time"  they say " yikes okay missy time for you to rest" I say laughing, I get given a look, "if looks could kill harlie...if looks could kill" we both stay there laughing art one another. 

harlie's pov: 

im absolutely knackered me and bunny had to work over time cause we were the only two in....I walk into mine and Andy's bedroom to get changed, putting my keys down "hi love how was work?" he asks, "knackering me and bunny were the only two in so we were doing double work and over time", I yawn, taking my hoodie off, we laugh and smile at one another as I give him a playful glare, I get on the bed beside him leaning over his shoulder, "what you doing??" I ask curiously "just some work forms for the promotion my boss is hopefully giving me soon", I smile softly and kiss his cheek "that's great news love" I grab some clothes and go for a shower.

Andy's pov: 

after I finish my paperwork I go in beside lee with a glass in hand "hey bud" I say "alright Andy, how's thing's ?" he asks smiling, "not bad, they seem fine considering everything that's happened, just exhausted from work and doing overtime so much" I respond "my bun is the same just exhausted from work." we both sit there watching the sport, talking to one another.

"so Andy how longs the wedding now? it cant be that far away now can it??" lee asks me, I nearly choke on my drink, eyes widening, ".......um no...no...its not that far away now" I say looking away nervously "Andy did you forget...." lee asks me "ha...no." I play it off, lee laughs "what??" I say "you definitely forgot!" at this point bunny walks in, "what did Andy forget love?" she asks sitting on the arm of the chair coffee in hand, "his and harlies wedding" lee says "lee!" I shout, bunny spits her drink out "ANDY!!  you forgot!, have you even sorted anything out for it yet?? suit, venue, rings??....anything!!??" bunny screeches. 

it was at this point I had realised I had around 6 months until the wedding and I still had nothing prepared.....

Lee's pov: 

I rub my head slightly "Andy you blithering idiot" I say, looking at bunny...."right okay I have an idea Hun" I say, "what is it?" she asks "the wedding is around 6/7 months away right" I look at Andy, he nods at me "right and you have nothing planned...suit?....venue?...rings", he shakes his head at all three, I groan "right okay bunny, sort harlie and dress out, we'll talk through venue together with the two later on, and you mister are coming with me" I stand kissing bunny on the head and grab my keys "what wait where we going?" Andy asks "your not getting married in a shirt and jeans Andy, coming were getting you measured for a suit" I say dragging him out the house and into the car.

harlie's pov: 

I come out the shower to find Andy's paper work all over the bed, I clean it up filing it away, going to make a drink, "harls!" bunny shouts, "yeah in the kitchen" I shout back, no sooner I say this she appears at the door "what's up, want a drink?" I ask "no, im here for a different matter actually, have you even bought a dress for the wedding yet", my breath hitches and goes quiet, "umm......" I had been so busy that I had forgotten completely to get a dress for it. 

"right come on get your shoes, SHANE!, DREW! get up here" I laugh, "im being serious shoes on were going to get you a dress" I don't bother arguing and put my shoes on, the timids appear and she tells them were going to get me a dress for the wedding, we leave a note on the side for the others and pile into the car, heading into the city centre.

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now